
Is this the part where someone tells me to have empathy for his voters, who “aren’t all racists”? Or is this the part where we can start telling those holier-than-though fuckers to just shut the fuck up?

Are we done giving him a chance yet?

The acceptability of a person’s radical views can be determined by this handy color chart.

I hope my Aunt’s friends in Boca who voted for him are happy with the antisemitism.

I can’t wait to hear Ernie Johnson’s take on this.

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

Thank you for this very nuanced view.

I’ve been doing a lot of arguing with free market proponents leading up to the election, and the one conclusion I keep coming back to is that a market dominated by the existential fear of hunger, homelessness, and ruin is not a free market. Free markets are good for deciding

What was Hillary’s great plan for helping these people?

“Should you attempt to empathize with these people, largely written off as America’s Problem by the left wing?”

At my high school, kids called one of the only minority kids in the school the n-word about every single day. He wasn’t even African-American, he was Hawaiian! Small towns can be so fucking toxic.

So people who live in these overwhelmingly white towns, who feel free to scapegoat anyone and anything who isn’t of their kind or tradition, who have lived these self-siloed lives - they are the ones in need of empathy, tolerance and understanding?

Yep, I agree, it is garbage. They just want someone to justify their racism, misogyny and xenophobia. They have a very specific vision of America and it is overwhelmingly white and nativist.

Hillary gave actual policy speeches all campaign long. Unfortunately the media only chose to report whenever she attacked Trump. The woman had explicit policy plans laid out for a year on her website.

Not her fault you refused to listen to her

Hard for me to have sympathy for people who voted thsee Republican politicians into office.

Bootstraps, sir. Pull yourself up by your 61 year old bootstraps.

Got it, a bunch of people who think platitudes, scapegoating and vague promises are the easy answers that will solve their problems don’t get much sympathy from me. The condescending thing is the idea that those of us on the coasts or in the cities or are liberal ivory tower types don’t “get” these people. Nonsense,

Again with this bullshit?! Minorities have a higher rate of unemployment — across all educational lines — than white people. White people are the first hired and the last fired in this country. They are not distressing economically. The voters who put Trump over the top make over 70k a year. They doing just fine.