
Same here, my mom went to septic shock due to pneumonia then to respiratory arrest. They saved her then she got healthcare acquired pneumonia from being on the vent. We signed a DNR so she wouldn’t suffer anymore. She knew.

Ditto, for some reason I had a feeling my mom won’t make it through the year. She didn’t.

Last Christmas was played on the Corp muzak and all my female co-workers wanted careless whisper on.

Please be wrong. I don’t want to be homeless.

I don’t think they’ll do that, more like a DNR directive. I had to go through that for my mom this year.

God, I hope I was as optimistic as you. But seeing my mom on a vent then having trouble extubating, then the feeding tube and finally unable to fight anymore.

I work overnights, so I’m working on the night of the 25th.

She asked if they had any Joe Mixon. Then she needed some fixon.

Fuck man. I don’t care anymore, I give up. No way 2017 will be better. It’s just gonna keep on coming.

I wonder what does resident Gothamist troll moving of the semantics goalposts Walter Sobshak or whatever thinks about this.

Yeah, my Target store is hiring seasonal left and right. Many don’t make it by the second week.

Now he’s gonna pass this nice paying union job to his son. Must be nice being White.

He’s so pale, he’s pink.

Everything I needed to know about them was on their NY1 editorial roundtable show. All insufferable pricks. And that Powell guy has pretty thin skin on twitter.

And please don’t put your loved one in the for-profit nursing home/rehab facility across the street from the school.

I’m seeing a lot of videos on YouTube on How to live in your car.

I am going to fight tooth and nail for succession rights to my mom’s apartment.

Been watching him on the pro circuit, he’s really good.

Ain’t that the truth. The social security age for benefits will increase and increase.

I’ve always thought the Government was the employer of last resort. Sometimes that’s a good thing. But then small government etc.