
I’ve been watching a lot of motorcycle crash youtube vids and it made me wonder how I got out unscathed. When my motorcycle was stolen for the third time and was found again, I decided that’s a sign that maybe I should let it go. I watched some vids of riders without helmets losing control and crashing.

The odd questions and the tone of the questions almost makes her sound like a cop. You know, like in those youtube videos of cop stops, the cop makes like a nice guy at the end and tells the guy to “not be so nervous” Well, fuck him, of course any normal human being would be nervous. Assholes.

I have to smoke outdoors, it’s the only place I can smoke nowadays. Twice I had strangers come up to me. Once was some “eyewitness” experiment. I’ve later found out it’s on YouTube as “guy trying to light bomb on balcony”. What I thought I saw was a guy setting up a sweet BBQ rooftop party. I said the wrong thing when

What about his female equivalent Cokie Roberts?

But he loves Baseball like a muthafucka. God help you if you read one of his baseball shits.

Could be worse. He could had taken a North Korean propaganda poster as a dare.


Where’s Greenville? Is he one of those TMZ guys? I ask because they seem to use Black people often using that as their foil. Because if the person says something remotely racist, they’ll use that. Sort of like using Black people as Bouncers. And those pre-emptive remarks such as I’m doing this so I don’t have to go

Hey, you went to Westside pistol club! However NYC gun laws require you to store your gun in a secure manner, ammo separate, probably with a lock. So much good that would do. Guns are fun the first time, then like anything else....How much fondling can one do? And, did you see some of those allergic reaction pictures

I’m pretty sure 12 year olds say Why the heck not? a lot.

Wait, his New Girl appearance was in 2014!

That’s true. I know a 10amp SLA battery can pump out the extra juice when needed. For example, my mobile UHF 45watt radio with a current draw of around 12amps.

That’s true. I know a 10amp SLA battery can pump out the extra juice when needed. For example, my mobile UHF 45watt

Damn, that’s a time bomb.

Eh, I’ll say it. I’m voting for him. That’s why I switched to R, to have some fun. (and maybe help the other side)

I don’t understand why every time I see a picture of his kid and him in a media photo, the kid looks younger than 14. You know the pic of him and his kid with their backs toward you walking together to Jesus or something. You’re 14 now and you got pubes, time for you to leave your daddy’s side.

I plead the fifth.

Marcia Clark is borderline racist. Yeah, I said that. Bet she’s wishing for that Fuhrman money.

Maybe just one parent because when I moved back home my father wanted to kill me every night. He had a heart attack in the living room one year after I moved in. Either one of us would be dead, he got it first.

There are places like this in NYC for the homeless. Of course, there’s a screening process. But you still have problems. It’s glorified SRO’s. Look up The Schermerhorn, it’s a mixed of homeless and residents in the Arts.

That’s nice, 2 Trump voters.