
Similar feelings, being an Illinois native in Florida at the moment.  I’m deeply ashamed of my home state, and even more ashamed of my current one.  But if we don’t stick it out, the scumbags win faster, and I don’t go down without a fight.

As much as I hate to agree with anyone who gets a blurb in Barf Bag... reparations for slavery ARE bullshit. Why? Simple. I’ve never owned a slave. No one in my family for eight generations that I’ve been able to track has owned a slave. None of my POC friends have been owned as slaves. I don’t owe anyone anything for

Linguistics is a hobby of mine, and I fail to see any possible way that the word ‘petulant’ is at all gender-loaded.

*loads up the Queen soundtrack again* And another one down, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust!

Hey, in this shitstorm of a dumpster fire, I’ll celebrate each and every little victory, no matter how petty.

This.  I’m not a woman, so I can’t speak about birth control specifically, but I share the same allergy meds story.  When a formerly prescription drug goes OTC, the prices to the consumer go up.  Sometimes drastically, as in your case.  Maybe the number doesn’t seem like much, but that’s a 10x price hike.  And that’s

You’re exactly right. We’re not at that point. Yet. It’s incumbent upon all of us to recognize the signs and learn from history, so that things like that don’t ever happen again. A lesson that you, clearly, failed to learn. One single child dying in US custody for any preventable reason is too many. Period. You and

The only thing even remotely approaching a positive is that it wasn’t school kids.  Maybe, just maybe, when it’s government offices that are getting shot up, the governments (state, local, federal, whatever) might finally get off their collective asses/heads and do something about it.

Of course there’s such a thing as ‘toxic femininity’.  You see it everywhere, packaged as ‘princess culture’.  The idea that, because you’re a girl, you have to fit a certain feminine mold.  And we don’t address the toxicity very well for either gender.  That’s the point; it’s why we call it ‘toxic’.

I don’t care how good it is. This live-action (and ‘live action’ CG crapfest) remake of classic films needs to stop. Now.

And for *insert deity of choice or lack thereof*’s sake, you can NOT make a version of Mulan that doesn’t include ‘I’ll Make A Man Out of You’ and expect it to succeed.  Unless you include that as

Agreed.  Setting forth to add that very comment on all the porn sites I can think of.  Want to get the attention of stupid old white males?  A sex strike seems like a good place to start.

Talk to me again when you vote for universal health care, and proper maternal/paternal leave policies in the workplace. Until you are willing to take care of EVERYONE, birth to death, as they deserve to be taken care of, you are not pro-life. You are only pro-birth, and that is not in the least the same thing.


Counterpoint: Perhaps if these nigh-universally common devices weren’t artificially inflated to the $1000 price point, we wouldn’t need articles about how to clean them safely, because we’d be willing to take more risks.

“You’re going to find many of the truths you cling to depend greatly on your point of view.” -

On the one hand, this is exploitation of the female body to make money.  On the other hand... this is women who, until proven otherwise, have agreed to show off their bodies willingly, which is female empowerment.  So... how about a little consistency in the coverage here?  Perhaps, and this is just my opinion on the

Either he will be re-elected, in which case the citizens of the country will likely assert their collective right to self-government by way of a coup; or he will lose, and his racist, gun-happy idiot supporters will charge screaming into Civil War II with ‘Fake News’ as their battle cry.

Either way, it’s going to

I used to be ironically amused at all the religious nutjobs in this country screaming about ‘Sharia law’. Now I’m just terrified, because as a practical matter, we’re living under it in every way save the name. Theocracy; when a single religious group is capable of making and enforcing laws on everyone else. So much

“As Governor, I’ve pledged to do all I can to protect life,” Bryant said.’

Prove it. Propose a universal health-care bill that’s affordable and functional for all citizens. Force giant, billionaire companies to provide full health care coverage for all full-time AND part-time employees. That’s protecting life.

Maud Pie would like to have a word with you.  That’s horribly insulting to a lot of perfectly sensible rocks.

A slight correction; one of the cornerstones of any extremist position is hate.  Whether you’re an ultra-liberal, or an ultra-conservative, your hate for the people that don’t share your opinions is the reason for your extremity.  You know the saying ‘everything in moderation’?  Especially in politics.  And that’s the

She wants to fund training in how to recognize implicit bias, and thus avoid it.  I should have thought that was clear from the sentence.

I for one would welcome a person that displays actual intelligence into the leadership of this country. Calling him out for ‘geeky’ habits and the like is just continuing the fiction that ‘smart = uncool, dumb = cool’ that has plagued this country for far too long.

Consider this: In Japan, a common casual insult is