
cryptocurrency and NFTs are a scam.

Well that explains why it seems like all Russian cars look like this before they leave the dealership.


The FAA should pull his ticket for life and his insurance company should drop him like a hot rock.

Your feelings don't deceive you. He did no searching for a landing spot, didn’t pitch for best glide, didn’t bother trying to restart the engine and didn’t even make a radio call.

If it’s all the same to you, I’m not going to watch his video. I don’t want to add to his clicks.

Thais was obviously staged. Convenient cameras to document everything, no real attempt to restart the engine as far as I can tell. Most of all, he never once looked scared. There was never fear in his eyes.

The insurance company will be taking a hard look at this, particularly why the engine died.

I’m indifferent to the debate about it. My frustration with this entire story is with the journalistic incompetence of not giving the full context for why he was sentenced so harshly. The coverage seems to focus on contrasting a trivial mechanical failure to an over-the-top punishment, but they’re downplaying the

The brakes on Aguilera-Mederos’ semi-truck failed, and he crashed into stopped traffic, killing four people.

YouTuber CGP Grey gave the FSD beta one of its toughest challenges yet

My dad—mid-70s, overweight, previously diagnosed heart issues—recently experienced a combination of these symptoms for DAYS before dying at home, after having my mom call 911 but unfortunately before the medics could get there. He had schedule an appointment to see his doctor because of the symptoms, but cancelled it

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:

Riveting, Pulitzer caliber writing from Jalopnik these days. Articles about counterweights like they are magical wizardry, bloggers copying other bloggers so they can take a trip to “Click City.”  This is what Jalopnik has become. Its funny how you can tell a good Jalopnik blogger..they dont work for Jalopnik anymore

I don’t think F1 can call itself a sport in the 21st century if drivers can still easily buy their way into the world championship.

If you think F1 is no longer a sport because of questionable officiating decisions, I'm afraid you don't watch many sports.

I’d be happy to let them all kill themselves off if they weren’t determined to take the rest of us with them.

I was going to make a joke asking if they tried blowing in him and giving him a nice whack to see if he started to work again, but I realized that would just be describing CPR.

I’m surprised Kinja didn’t list the products as a slideshow.

Why not include the list of products in the article? Here they are: