
Maybe instead of being thrown into Twitch Jail, people who stream and drive need to be thrown into Real Jail?

Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.

First, it was the HOAs, and I didn’t care because I didn’t live in an HOA....

That’s 55 kips per hogshead

Only in the US does 90 kph covert to 55 kph. 

Ain’t that the truth! Just look how happy they are:

Here it is again in slow-motion and zoomed in a lot more.


Where do you live that $40k is enough for a house down payment?

I remember the days when sniffing White-Out was illegal and I had to soup up my office chair to outrun HR. That’s how NASCHAIR was born, in case you didn’t know.

Obviously, the most effective way to navigate a chair is by pushing it...

Its great that they are being responsible and taking it to the track but I kinda miss the days of grass-roots chair racing down the touge....

Would the commentators be considered... armchair experts?

If you have to ask, you’re on the wrong site. 

Somebody in Philadelphia has a problem with the color orange? I know a guy.

‘No way to prevent this, says sport where this regularly happens’?

Remember to tithe your bartender!

Nah I’m good. Just this week my debit card number got stolen and I had to go through that whole process. You know how many times I used that debit card? Twice. Literally two times total and not once since October and the only reason I had to use it was my credit card was compromised and I was still in the process of