
Breaking News: TV Show About Woman Written by Woman Is Not as Funny and Poignant and Well-Written as Crazy Ex-Girlfriend or Broad City or Fleabag or GLOW.

I think Tatiana Maslany is smoking hot, so it’s hard for me to buy into the whole “guys just aren’t interested in me when I’m Jen” thing.

Abomination as a good guy is too perfect. They don’t want to ruin that, “turns out former supervillain is still a supervillain” would be a boring development.

Wut? How do you “recast” within a comic book? Obviously we’re talking of actual living being actors that died in actual real life.

Uh? They don’t “normally” kill of a character because it never happened before. There’s no case history to establish what’s “normal, this is a first for them.

I don’t really get what they were trying to push with Mr. Immortal, story-wise. Surviving an accident that would kill non-superpowered individual is completely different from dying. I expected the visual representation to be that he actually gets buried and reincarnates into a new body or something along those lines.

I love reading that an actor is part of the MCU and being like, “Oh yeah...”

I think she’s awesome, but her star is gonna burn the F out if it keeps going like this

She’s a good actress who has been in some good movies.

Shang-Chi was undeniably fun though.

and the pure blonde hair and blue eyes of the master race

they don’t normally kill off a character because a real person died.

But Edith Head didn’t make superhero costumes. Pixar referenced Head’s looks. Marvel straight up referenced the Pixar character.

What typo? What am I missing?

Yeah, this felt like a classic sitcom’s C plot expanded to full episode (I’d like to sayfull half hour”, but these episodes are 20 minutes of script plus 10 minutes of opening and ending credits).

Plus, the entire secrecy thing was immediately overcome by them saying “we know an Avenger” while wearing silly counterfeit merch. And that just granted them complete access. You’d think they would make a joke out of it, but nope, it was just a thing that happened.

I’m not entirely sold on Jameela as Titania yet, though, which is a shame because I love her Tahani.

Is She-Hulk’s fashion woes something kids (I’m presuming they’re still a large part of MCU’s target audience) would really be excited to watch? This episode might be another example of the constant “Who is this for?” question

But that every time actual Tatiana Maslany reappears the show gets better is totally, undeniably true.

At this point I think I’ll be disappointed if Howard the Duck doesn’t A.) Show up and B.) Somehow become a regular character.