And here’s some tough talk from moron shithead in chief!
And here’s some tough talk from moron shithead in chief!
And all this time I thought USC wasn’t that great a school.
I always wondered if they’re too stupid to get in what do they do when they do get in & are too stupid to do the work, and then I looked at Jared Kushner, whose felon father paid $2.5 mil for sonny to get into Harvard where he apparently majored in being a douche weasel nepotism recipient.
Dear Ms. Jaguar,
Ivanka would have trouble being the intelligent voice of a tampon commercial.
I wonder how seriously Ivanka takes “being Jewish?” Before she married weasel boy, how seriously did she take “being Christian?” And if you’re a guy who tried to blackmail your family with a hooker, how seriously Jewish is that? Or is it the cultural Jewish as opposed to religious Jewish?
Wow, Tucker (rhymes with “Fucker”) Carlson is a world class asshole! Who would have thought! It’s not as if he doesn’t prove it every night on his trump masturbation hour.
you should check out this twitter feed if you haven’t already:
God I hate that insufferable shit eating grin of his. No matter what he always smiles that same cheesy blowhard used car dealer smile that makes me want to hit him right in his fake teeth with a baseball bat.
Someone should give him a membership in the Hair Club for Men just to fuck with him.
Kinda like Fredo suing the Mafia.
$12,500 a week for couples counseling? I’m in the wrong damn business, that’s for sure..
“where we blow one, we blow all”- change the tagline to that & trump will be in!
It boggles the mind that there are actually people who will voluntarily listen to this jackass blather on. I wouldn’t have lasted two minutes.
Yet another book I wouldn’t wipe my ass with. Might use for starting the fire pit, but only if someone “giffted” it to me, which no one will unless they want their ass kicked...
what bugs me is I know a guy who could be hannity’s double and he’s the sweetest guy you’d ever want to know.
That happened all over LA!
Oh yeah, Santa Monica has always been one of the most expensive parts of LA. Anywhere near the beach.
Eh, even when I lived in LA back in the ‘80s you had to have roommates to be able to afford decent housing...
DIdn’t you take the lunch I packed for you today?