Micah Kulp

It’s not the tire that makes it look cheap. It’s the shitty looking wheel.

“One of the reasons she’s in agony is she has lost so much fat so quickly she has lost it in the soles of her feet.”

I’m pretty sure a third-place, South American, soccer match is the last place the president will show up.

ecstatic release at a Bone party, huh

Fucking preach.

I have that cheese grater and recommend it.

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

He tried to tell us:


TIL there are local Montero Facebook groups. 

what idiot called it Rath allegedly “touched an adult woman against her will on intimate parts of her body for the purpose of sexual arousal and gratification” and not The Gropes of Rath

Apparently the market for “I need to replace my aging Chrysler Sebring convertible with something similar” customers is a small one.

Don’t go chasing waterfalls

How about a “dawg” mode where it automatically winds down all the windows, sets the autopilot to 10mph and plays “It was a good day” at max volume

About Jerry’s Porsches...

Just about any pillow will work as a noise-cancelling pillow.

This guy only has sex in missionary

So, is it a horse or a bull?

That’s the question. Will it burn itself to the ground or burnout leaving a cars & coffee taking several bystanders with it?

I find it so cool how this rope, 3,000 years old, looks IDENTICAL to rope you can buy and use today. The techniques for making it are different of course, but, honesty, it looks like any old rope hanging around my parents' farm.