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    HAL9000 didn't malfunction.. the pesky humans just thought their way was the right way.

    I can completely get that. We're like opposites hah.. I love F1

    I wish NASCAR was as entertaining to watch as Days of Thunder for me... I try and try but still can't get behind it.

    watching someone do this in person is insane.

    Hey There !

    Now playing

    Watching some of his races, he was a fun and interesting driver in my opinion. Hopefully he got to do all the things he wanted to do. Dabbing in as many motorsports as he could made him that much more of a true racer.

    I'm surprised that it didn't seem like one side even remotely lifted as he went sideways

    Thank goodness he's staying in f1. Would have been a terrible shame and loss to the sport

    super long read.. but worth it to see the insight... break up that last paragraph!!

    This news is great! I'm glad Jenson will continue driving and it would have been a terrible shame if he was hung out and not given a seat for next year. With both Fernando and Jenson this could make for a great year!

    Is there a way to improve road handling without lowering a vehicle with sport/race springs? My current thought process is.. rear sway bar to help with body roll. But then what? A stiffer suspension would be nice however it makes a daily driver not very .. comfortable in the tristate. Is there a middle ground?

    YEAAAAHHHHH!!!! ... the mask to cover up the tears of sadness from knowing he's going to need to do some bodywork

    When when you need it, weight transfer helps tremendously in avoiding or curing understeer (understeer is the tendency of a car to slide with its front wheels away from the intended direction of travel, as opposed to oversteer, which is the opposite).

    It's the day after Thanksgiving.. it tends to be called "black" Friday due to it being a major push to get the accounting books into the black (positive) as opposed to losing money and being in the red (negative). Most shoppers aren't even aware that's where it comes from.

    I, nor anyone I know, would do that.. and we're from jersey >.<

    At what point did he just think that the god awful noise that i'm sure is emanating from the grinding of the front end across newark streets was not a good thing? I can only imagine how much damage actually occurred.

    Very excited to see them push through like this. Hopefully the off season will give them the opportunity to come back kicking!

    This is, sadly, one of the reasons F1 has fallen so far out of sorts. Hopefully whomever replaces Bernie will have his act together and enable the sport to truly thrive and flourish beyond its current restraints (Bernie)

    If everyone gets the word out, it's possible! It's also a great chance to own a part of history!

    They are now 50% Funded with 3 days left.. they now have some great things such as Wheel Rims! Who doesn't want wheel rims?