
Wow. You basically wrote an essay as a response to a post I made, and it wasn't even directed towards you. You're so easy to read. It's clearly obvious I've struck a nerve. I mean, damn, you addressed every sentence of my post. You clearly are insecure. I'm just lol:in' right now because you let me get to you. :)

I wasn't talking to you.

How the hell am I the asshole here? She commented on my looks first, completely unwarranted.

Haha, what?

My ego is extremely frail and I need to work on my self-esteem.

SYKE! Nobody will follow your lead :)

Sorry... I just saw what you told me as an insult uncalled for.

Looks like I hate a nerve with two people.

And you base that on what? Your weak, base emotions?

You don't know rest of the alphabet?


I wasn't joking.

I was once told perfection exists only in the mind. Yet when I look at you, perfection is a sight seen so rarely. Your hair falling so swiftly on your head. Those eyes, oh those eyes. I can feel myself drowning in your gaze. A smile, never but, a smirk so mysterious and unforgettable. A touch so soft and powerful it

I'm just saying, if you wish for mankind's demise then it'd be only fair if you show the way.

You don't know what my face looks like. But now that you mention looks, let me tell you this:

Still. Unwarranted hatred is not acceptable when affecting the innocent (me & everybody else).

You didn't mention anything about the article's content, though. Perhaps that's why. Instead you took the chance to hate circa 7 billion people, most of which you've never met.

Instead of specifically directing your disgust and contempt for the assailant, the woman in the article, why do you feel the need to spread unnecessary hate towards basically every other every human being? Would you say "I hate black people" if the pedophile happened to be black? You make no sense.

Yes. It's a gross human rights violation.

I'm sure murderers and rapists would delight in you dehumanizing yourself by your own will.