If course it real, how dare you! “Mono” means one and “archy” means archy. That completes our 6 week course.
If course it real, how dare you! “Mono” means one and “archy” means archy. That completes our 6 week course.
No I did not. Remember before the internet there was no version of snopes.com where you could go to fact check shit like this. Ok, maybe the library but we all wanted to believe it was true (for some reason)
I kid you not but in college the rumor was that if you put an onion up a woman’s vagina she would die. Now this was before the internet and we usually didn’t use the word vagina but it was a widely held belief back n the day.
Shit hole country indeed.
What the fuck is ‘Black Twitter’?
I think R. Kelly is worried the next time he shows up in a court house he will be staying for the next 10-15 years.
Let’s not forget the Leafs (not Leaves...fucking Canadians) also had Kadri suspended for most of the series so Wrath may apply there as well.
Can’t argue with #1 but I would drop the original Capt America down 3 or 4 spots (maybe more). The whole point of that movie seemed to be how to get Rogers from WW2 into the 2000's. I also think it really wasted Hugo Weaving as Red Skull.
Don’t forget about the financial crisis a decade ago. Nobody went to jail for that but yet “Pperation Varsity Blues” has nailed something like 35 - 30 people many of which will certainly end up behind bars.
Aunt Becky may need new lawyers. The charges are piling up and the time to cut a deal and keep out of the old Stoney Lonesome may have passed.
People think that Bezos is part of some illuminati cabal running the world but the reality is that he’s just a horny rich dude snapping dick picks and trying to bang his friends wives. He’s doesn’t have time for both.
“This 80's TV show starred Scott Baklua as a time traveling Scientist”
I don’t get it ... While some parents well on their way to being convicted (or pleading guilty) and facing real jail time and other kids are getting expelled Olivia Jade is amassing the momentum of a run away freight train. There are families out there that are having their lives ruined by scandal but for her this is…
According to IMDB Susan Meisner was in 38 episodes of the Americans which is 4 more than Margo Martindale and only 9 fewer than Allison Wright. That just doesn’t seem right. Her character really served no purpose outside of occasionally nudging the plot along.
He does have a history of fucking his fans.
I wished that the hitman folks would have just released the ‘elusive tragets’ as a DLC pack so that I could play that at my leisure but I doubt that will ever happen.
If I’m going up the river for recruiting sex slaves they at least should be my own sex slaves not slaves for somebody else.
Even at the absolute height of the shows popularity was anyone really that interested in having it on every fucking week from early February til late November? I know I wasn’t. Count me out.
Considering the flat our awful job the original show has done with young adult actors this has ‘shit-show cash-grab’ written all over it.
No worries, I looks good on you.