A ruben is a damn fine sandwhich. Danm fine.
A ruben is a damn fine sandwhich. Danm fine.
It’s almost is if today’s ‘influencers’ are indistinguishable from the unemployed dip-shits they’d be if there was no social media.
Why do people think that twitter is a right instead of a privilege. In fact, why do people even go on twitter?
Hey, I’m not a 12 year old boy.
Shape magazine will work too. Actually probably better.
Seems like the writting is on the wall the Jessica Jones Season 3 will be its last. Lets hope that its written that way and doesn’t end on a dopey, never to be resolved cliff-hanger.
Great now I have to go back to beating off to a glamor magazine in the Starbucks bathroom.
I’m holding out hope for some sort of single-player DLC one-day. Probably never happen but one can dream.
An ideal solution would be to give the console wifi and let folks buy games on-line that they want instead of being stuck with an immutable hit-or-miss collection. Sadly this will never happen. Oh, and the playstation classics lineup sucks ass. Not gonna buy that thing.
“The Mystery Of The Urinal Deuce.” was 12 years ago. I have totally forgotten that one.
Towlie is the best. No way he could hold down that job. He’d need a week for each visit.
Which Holiday is the queer one again? Not Arbor Day I hope.
Is this the one with Wings Hauser?
Money is one think but the NRA still has oversized influence with the federal government that will take years to claw back.
Step #1. Stop reading these dumb comments.
I thought he knew women because he had banged alot of chick. Can’t it be both?
Seems like if they swapped out 4 or 5 games they’d have hit a home run. May still pick this up if it ever drops to $50 (which I doubt).
What’s the stigma of 999? 666 I get, 420 I get, but 999?
This is too long to read. I’m just going to assume he’s talking about being in the Hartford Whalers farm system.
At first I thought that guy was just dirt poor. I feel much better now knowing that somebody with such poor decision making skills is new father.