Ku Klux Klam

You tell us.

I got a felling that Ezekeil is one more lovey-dovey scene away from meeting his maker. The one-eyed wonder priest is pulling too much post-apocalyptic tail to get killed off. 

I’ve always assumed it was milquetoast TV host Joe Franklin. Please don’t rob me of that. 

Does @Ron get any tweets about the movie “Captain Ron”?

I think we got a pretty good idea how Elvis fucked. Babe Ruth too.

Isn’t this the same exact service that already went bust? What’s new about it that will keep it from the same fate as before?

Sounds like a blast. Glad I don’t play on-line. I’ll wait for fallout 5.

Half.com used to be great for old games but eBay shut them down years ago.

For years I thought that he wrote ‘Lord of the Flies”. Years.

They couldn’t seriously find anybody else to be AG? Dumping Sessions was not unexpected. Yet here we are.

Its kinda fucked up that they depend upon their competition for just about their entire production. No way that can backfire. Nope. No way. 

RBG will die before she lets Trump appoint her replacement....sadly that might happen soon rather than latter.

This seems like the type of thing somebody should go to jail for. 100% avoidable and sad commentary on how the skill of critical thinking is slowly vanishing from the USA.

The first one was just wonderful. Still only about half way through. Gonna pick this one up when I finish.

Once again the Simpson are correct....The dead have risen and they are voting republican.

What about another season of Luther? When is that set to arrive!!

So the Helicopter has been a long con for Rick’s exit (and some TV movies) for well over a year? OK

What fucking department store did you work in? Jesus.

Test that poo for Rex Ryan’s DNA. Remember when the Bills were a playoff team?

She’s still got it!! Forgot she was in the movie. Actually forgot just about everything from that move except the video for “I can dram about you”. Actually, maybe I never saw the movie only the music video.