Ku Klux Klam

I bring all mystery pills I find to a homeless shelter and test them on unsuspecting kids. Much safer that way (at least for me).

And to think one of the big reasons Gruden was hired was so that he could be the ‘face of the organization’ and become the public punching bag for Raiders fan when the team pulls up steaks and moves to Vegas. He’s losing if freaking mind and he hasn’t even gotten to the hard part yet.

My guess is that she will be a former cheerleader by Monday at the latest.

Streets of Fire” was a good one. Well not the whole Soundtrack but “I can dream about you” was a cool 80's tune.

For a while I was interested in the helicopter people but my white hot hatred of the Jadis character has me wishing that whole story line thread would just disappear.

I don’t get why the Oceanside people let the people they killed come back as Zombies? I guess it was a punitive action but if they had just killed them and then properly disposed of the bodies they would never have gotten caught.

I know that Gruden isn’t really going to get 100 Million for coaching the Raiders (he’s be fired before that) and I also know he was installed in part to be the public facing fall-guy for the exit from Oakland, but wow he’s doing a bad job coaching. Its like he took 10 years off and the game passed him by.

Not the least bit surprising. Even a moderately stable situratoin can be destroyed if a child (or other family member) gets seriously ill. Sometimes you can’t help but get sick but you can almost always not get pregnant. Having a baby at the wrong time can light the fuse on a lifetime of poverty for the mother and

Just for Clarification the 18 months on Fallout 4 was for the platinum trophy and Im still going for 100% on GTAV,

I end up playing at night when everyone is in bed or if I”m really lucky an hour on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Basically if I can get 6 hours a week I’m lucky. If I’m unlucky I can go 2 or 3 weeks without playing a game. Combine this with the fact that I’m usually playing 3 games simultaneously it takes ma a

“Better Things” Sorry.

It’s all about money for these venues. Large concerts often rip up NFL stadium fields just before games. They are bowing at the altar of the American Dollar.

No mention of her turn in “Better thinkgs” over on FX? Gotta be better known that what ever the fuck Gay of Thrones is.

Does “adult” mean more guys getting kicked in the jimmy? If so I’ll watch.

This may dove-tail nicely with the lazy blow job post from last week.

All kidding aside. I don’t even get the joke? Maybe if he dyed it green for St Paddys day I could understand but Purple?

Not to throw cold water on a funny story but it looks like he get hit in the knee or upper thigh not the nuts.

Ah ShowGirls. I saw that in a theater with a buddy of mine who almost pissed his pants because he refused to go to the bathroom during the movie because he thought people would think he left to go masturbate. True story

A fairly meh list if you ask me.

So the new twilight zone will be made up of a bunch of episodes that update old episodes? And it will only be available on a streaming platform that costs extra? Where do I sign up?