Ku Klux Klam

I hope that they have Megan Kelly running the Quick-E-Mart next season. Why not.

I’m guessing he watches a lot of TV (think 70+ hours a week) but every single second of it is cable news.

Even before Spacey turned RadioActive in Hollywood putting him in a Gore Vidal Biopic seems like a fucking dumb idea. Shit the idea of a Gore Vidal biopic seems dumb to me.

This lesbian Bar has not fire escape!

Hence my confusion.

Politics aside Curt isn’t very popular in Rhode Island at all. He kinda ripped off the government and almost ended up in jail. Not a very bright man.

Wow, I always thought that was Clu Gulager.

I’m still bummed out that there is no traditional single-player campaign in this game. Seriously bummed out. Maybe some day down the road they will release some DLC for those of us who like a story driven narrative and have no interest in playing on-line with others.

What a dope. Prosecutors fucking hate when you shoot your mouth off in public like you pulled one over on the state. This will not end well for him.

In a war between Cardi B and Niki Minaj we are all losers (well, our ears anyway).

I have a hard time picturing Sinatra cooking in his free time. I imagine he’d be on the couch with a glass of scotch while the women folk did all the hard work in the kitchen. They’d get the back of his hand too if it wasn’t up to Franks standards.

Great now Trump gets to appoint another Justice. Damn it.

Mispronouncing somebodys name or calling them by a similar sounding (but incorrect) name is equally effective. 

Isn’t one of the most impressive Beatles records the fact that they are still tremendously popular nearly 50 years after they stopped putting out new music. I’m guessing there will be very few Drake fans around in 2068.

That’s a lot of effort for ‘lazy’. Truly lazy a a rough hand-job.

The Donald is not going to like this one bit. Not One Bit.

I’ll admit to being more than a little nervous when I saw that they were doing to have the Doctor and her companions cross paths with Rosa Parks but I think it was handled very well and it was a nice reminder that they should never carelessly trample on history.

Kimbrel has been awful this post season but unless the sox can win (or lose) the rest of their game by 6 runs or more he will be on in the 9th. Just please Alex no more 4+ our saves for Kimbrel.

I can’t quite place it either, but suddenly I wan’t a roast beef sandwich.