Ku Klux Klam

It’s a pain to attend Sunday night Football. Getting home at 1 - 2 AM on a Sunday with work the next day sucks. Many Season ticketholders (including me) sell SNF games as soon as we can. It likely floods the market with tickets as the game approaches.

The team threw it all into beating the Pats in Week #2. It was their super bowl. It was a great win but overall in the grand scheme of things it was just another game. They may not be able to match that level of intensity the rest of the season and 0.500 ball may not get you into the AFC playoffs.

I’ll watch almost anything with David Tennant but based on this and a few other reviews I’ve read I may take a pass and perhaps circle back at a latter date.

No a bad Idea. Usually when I play a game I don’t bother saving (if its an option) for at least 45 -60 minutes and then usually stop and play something else. When i work my way back I start over for the beginning. Sometimes I do this because i missed a lot of the early tutorial stuff but sometimes I just like a fresh

Working the Colts side of the street I see.

Did I miss what was wrong with the old way of getting high? I guess kids these days don’t have to be worried about getting busted by the cops like we did back in the day so they have more time to experiment,  but it seems like the old method worked just fine. No need to re-invent the wheel here people.

When your Right 52% of the time you  gotta be wrong  48% of the time.

Hasn’t it been a matter of record for nearly 20 years that Ike was a gold plated son-of-a-bitch that was physically and emotional abusive?

Again with the fucking Chaka Khan and Warren Zevon once again is left out.

Does everyone of these guys have a fake “middle” name? Its not like they are famous assassins like John Wilkes Booth or serial Killers like John Wayne Gacey?

Even if you were a ‘Queen Eye Expert’ why would you even admit to that.

Tu must be playing cards all day with DB Cooper and Andy Kaufman.

Yup. Brett will get his life time job appointment in less than 24 hours. Wondering too if this whole thing represents a turning point for the Me Too movement. Now dudes will go full on OJ and double down on the deny...deny.deny defense an only cave in the face of over whelming facts (was will their employers). Time

Jake DeBrusk, Danton Heinen and Ryan Donato are Key for the B’s this year. If they can make a substantial leap forward and the D doesn’t suffer too many injuries they will compete. These guys take a step back and Boston will be fighting for a wild-card at best.

I saw on IMDB that Bill Camp is playing Gerald Ford. Interesting. I may have to see this.

Boxing is a sport driven by the personalities of the combatants. Most people can name more MMA fighters than boxers.

Excuse me while I whip this out

MMA style fights also sucked off (I mean siphoned off) millions of viewers from the sport. A whole generation really when you think about it. No sport can really survive that.

Don King’s lust for money and his brazen rip-offs of fighters he managed also did a very big disservice to the sport. This piece is letting him off too lightly. He was a cancer on the world of professional boxing for decades.

Off all the accusations leveled against Judge Kavaneugh by far the most damning is his attendance at a UB40 concert. That alone should keep him of the High court.