Ku Klux Klam

Vin Diesel? Jackie Chan? What the fuck is wrong with people. The only movie I"d like to see them in is a snuff film.

considering my opinion of the smiths I'm only watching this a gun point. And maybe not even then.

I guess it's better than "Flanders was a Zombie?" or "Hey Neddie, how about a quick 9 at the pitch-and-put"

Weren't they all gay in the original. Ah, openly gay. I get what your saying now.

It was already taken. So was Uncle Ant.

People are such fucking lemmings. I bet at least 10 people across the USA die in eclipse related accidents today. Good riddance to all of them.

At least he has time to catch an matinee of "The Hitmans Bodyguard". Oh that an make more shitty anti-islamic films.

Count me out if they re-create the warehouse fucking scene. I don't need to see that shit.

I'll have to keep an eye out for this.

That was Marks business partner from season 1. I don't think they work together any more but he is still in town. He appeared briefly in this final season.

This guy brings so little to the table I can't imagine he'd be missed by any organization for any reason.

The courtroom stuff fell VERY flat for me in S2. I guess I understand it a bit more with what I've seen in S3 but the whole lawyer going blind shit is the low point in an otherwise great series.

This prick is still around? Who knew.

The Original MK is still the Best. I spent way way too many hours on that sucker back when I had my Sega Genesis.

"In the Company of Men" and "The Sweet Hereafter" are movies I fondly remember even 20 years later. I'd rank each much higher and certainly above Titanic, Face off and Star Ship Troopers.

Read somewhere that if you die too many time the game will erase your save file and you will have to start all over again. Fuck that, I"ll pass.

I prefer my beards to look like Nicole Kidman or Katie Holmes but to each there own I guess.

Dogs? He said dogs right?

I agree. Zach's actions put him right up with Hitler in terms of being history's greatest monster. That nuke easily killed at least 1,000,000 people and somehow started a nuclear war. In no way does he deserve anything resembling a happy ending. Maybe his maid girl friend can cut his dick off while he sleeps. See if

I'm not an expert on what 'nuclear winter' is but I"m fucking positive it is supposed to me more than just an overcast sky. I know that they don't have the budget of a major motion picture but jesh can't they find some way to portray it a bit more dramatic than that.