Kuili J8i9

The ideal situation would for them to actually contribute something but I don’t mind seeing people, or rather companies, that are harmful to an industry get wiped out from it - however slowly. And yes, Zynga has done more harm than good at this point.

GTA Online is terrible and they focus more on patching exploits or fun grinds than actually making the game itself compelling.

I think they’re showing appreciation for their customers there by not releasing it. It’s pretty awful in every respect.

Until you sign a EULA before buying a game, they’re bullshit. Can’t wait for the day that devs/pubs get sued in court over them because EULAs are utter bullshit as they stand right now.

This highlights why I am done buying digitally on Sony anything. They can technically and legally until sued, do this to any of your games. Which they have to paid games for some people. I’ve also had their store over charge me and they act like they are innocent despite the history and obvious proper price. No

Or bring on the logic train...Those visual mods took a while to A: Show up at all B: get refined enough to improve AND be workable with normal PC specs. Of course now ENB is ubiquitous but GTAV is actually done relatively well and outside of textures, there isn’t a whole lot to improve in the lighting engine and such.

I wonder when they’ll eat crow and bring all sports aside from FIFA back to PC...

Modding isn’t. Even though this is being called a mod but all logic and pretenses it ISN’T your typical mod but more of a remaster/expansion line of things. Also, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I’d assume the pay structure for this isn’t nearly as exploitative as it was for the mod workshop... But nice try.

I’d like to flip that rationale and say that considering how far they’ve gotten on what is essentially a passion hobby project; being paid to finish it up and free up your own time normally being used at your job, well yeah. Things might get finished much faster now...

NetherRealm Studios (Don’t even begin to act like their hands are free of this mess even if not directly responsible for this bad port), High Voltage Software should be ashamed of themselves and I hope this fiasco is costing Warner Bros. big money relative to the “savings” they went with by shilling the work out

Not really. It’s entirely dependent on the engine they’re messing with. It’s about time versus reward. If you have to do extra modeling for the entire character to have a proper mesh, depending on the engine, it can be a hassle greater than it’s worth. But there’s been plenty of polygon bits and pieces mods around

The DLC is offensively stupid. I am usually very forgiving of most standards but the terrible DLC feels more like free DLC, in which case it could be forgiven, not nonsense I actually got suckered into paying for.

Regional pricing is the ONLY reason. Some regions have less favorable exchange rates and have pricing reflected as such. They also claim to fear that people buying out of region screws up their metrics for understanding if a game is worth releasing somewhere but I call bullshit on that.

G2A isn’t a reputable reseller. It’s right on the bad edge of the gray market.

G2A isn’t a reputable reseller. It’s right on the bad edge of the gray market.

I’m all for terrible food and terrible for you food but Taco Bell unfailingly makes me nauseous and seeing that monstrosity was just gross as hell. Also, they have absolutely ZERO good, or unique recipes. You can easily replicate everything they make at home only better. Sure, it’s not as ridiculously cheap but it

And they’d likely act out on them when high and older. So, yeah, sex acts. Doesn’t make them good or anything.

The story in XIII-2 really does make XIII seem intelligent but as a game, I think XIII-2 is better. Of course, since XIII is so terrible that’s not saying much. I enjoyed it for what it was, so long as I always had my mind turned off while any story was going on and despite recycling so much it almost had more

If you paid attention and knew anything, you’d understand that what they’re mostly talking about is how they can efficiently do MORE with LESS work (Though yes this does mean more work in other areas). Sure, there’s the pure number crunching nonsense they using to make it more relatable in raw performance but

Yes, control the hivemind by insisting a new hivemind that you agree with.

I did for Skyrim. Only game I did, though. Otherwise I let the game review speak for itself.