Too bad we likely won't give a shit by then. WC3 doesn't have nearly the community Diablo and Starcraft has. And that's largely because WC is seriously neglected by them.
Too bad we likely won't give a shit by then. WC3 doesn't have nearly the community Diablo and Starcraft has. And that's largely because WC is seriously neglected by them.
Lame list...
Nintendo stops production on stuff like this ALL THE TIME. I wouldn't be so absolutely certain that they won't. It really depends on how the set up the first run anyway. It's certainly possible it will come back in stock, at least once more, but it's not out of the question it won't.
I don't know what you're talking about in regards to the GBA. They explicitly said they were ditching the brand, at least for a while, basically only falling back on it if the DS failed.
An Elder Scrolls game being done in 8 Bit would be terrible. It would show all the flaws.
I bought the game on Steam and I don't have the FOV. It's nice paying for a game day one, having it gimped and being called a fucking pirate even though it's linked to my Steam account and uPlay account just fine.
Great justification for a moron's interpretation like Ubisoft... I mean really now, he just BYPASSED THE DRM!!!! how is that a justification? It seems a justification AGAINST DRM. Since, you know, it doesn't work.
Ever since Domino's revamped their menu, it's always them no question. Pizza Hutt's deep dish pizzas used to be quite good. Damn oily but still really good. Then again, maybe they haven't changed but I've just grown.
Spyro was never really any good. It was cute but seriously it was extremely simple. Spyro came back in the most common sense fashion it could have. It was basically always a "baby" game, anyway.
Go to a store, look at the tvs at your desired viewing distance, only if they're at eye level, and eventually you'll notice a TV with obvious pixels at a certain size and distance. That's when you'll benefit from 4K. For me, it starts at 42" when sitting 5 feet away. 28" at 1.5 feet away on a monitor.
Go to a store, look at the tvs at your desired viewing distance, only if they're at eye level, and eventually you'll…
This isn't about transferring your single player character but your online character. And if that isn't enough of a distinction for you there's no point in going any further anyway...
Their spin-offs weren't exactly cash cows and Advent Children was just fucking awful, and again not exactly a cash cow.
I like some of the visual upgrades and I hate others. It's really a mixed bag. Doesn't matter much to me, though. I have yet to be able to get into the pokemon craze. I just can't care enough. I missed out on the series in my childhood and now... well I don't know. Seems too big of a time sink for me to want to bother…
There is no depth. What you do in Skyrim is inconsquential to virtually everything and with the very few choices you make that matter, you can basically backtrack on them.
No one understands evolution. It's all about vague inference and wish-washy "it must have worked this way because I said so" be it a darwin route or a creationist route.
Then look at how the re-released San Andreas. Look at how they STOLE music from those who bought (sorry leased now) it on PC.
So it's Early Access for everyone... I seriously hope this bullshit way of doing business destroys a company at some point. It's getting beyond ridiculous.
Their games do appeal to western audiences. It's such a stupid, bullshit thing to say considering that Japanese studios MADE modern western gaming happen. Both at home and in the arcade.
The Pre-Sequel is not a good FPS... It's just a pile of vomit and excrement from the last one.
Boy, Luke, you sure seem bitchy all the time now. Bitchy and catty.