Comparing the XL to this is stupid. Though you're right it people were resistant to embrace it when it first came out for the DS, this is not even close to the same.
Comparing the XL to this is stupid. Though you're right it people were resistant to embrace it when it first came out for the DS, this is not even close to the same.
Too bad only in Japan as far as the idiots at Sony are concerned.
Looks like shit. Honestly, they could have made it look like REAL toy cars at this point. FFS... Given when the NES game was made, the hardware it had, it was more true to real life than this nonsense. There would really be something to having a miniature life-like look for a game like this.
I think an alliance should be formed among all major review sites. Reject all embargoes. Don't review from a company that does want one. Period. Almost every place says in a geeky voice that they don't like them but then act helpless. B.S
Which is basically $3.5 to $5 of space. OH! the HORROR! We paid more on memory cards just for saves not so long ago...
And they all sucked. Which begs the "be careful what you wish for" axiom.
I think it's worth noting that PC in Japan used to be HUGE. But at the turn of the century it started dwindling fast.
If anything, that should help. Multiple games using Microsoft's online infrastructure have launched at the same time before. Unless Microsoft implemented it really stupidly, it should have helped spread the load.
Judging from that kick she's giving, I assume you mean they're assumed to have been playfully flicked off with her foot...
That would just give them an excuse not to properly optimize a game. Dumbest thing ever for a console.
Don't start again unless you get Reaper of Souls. Seriously, don't bother if you're not going to get that.
Blizzard is consistently full of bullshit. They said it would be "impossible" to make Diablo 3 workable with controllers and ofc impossible to be offline on PC. 6 magical months later, a console version is announced featuring both controller support and offline mode and the sacred Auction House, which they previously…
Actually, Bully on PC can be a HUGE hassle. It's another lazy Rockstar port and it's most certainly not always "the best". When you can get it for $2.50, certainly. Otherwise, no it's not the best, not by a long shot.
So I guess that's how terrorists should conduct business then...
I kept replacing Doritos with Cheetos in my mind. It just makes more sense as a mashup, I suppose.
Fuck that shit. Seriously. If they're going to go through that trouble I'd rather just have a sequel of sorts. A new experience in the same vein.
U(don't)Play. I'm done with Ubisoft games after I got screwed with Uplay DRM bullshit. D-O-N-E.
Skyward sword was ruined by its awful, inaccurate motion controls. It deserves no place but the dumpster bin.
Now it just needs to include a Special Edition Purple Majora's Mask New 3DS XL system pack edition.
I can't watch the video because it's not HD and not 60 FPS. FAIL KOTAKU!