
I’m always surprised this “game” still exists.

oh shit, oh no. This is some real WoW veteran bait. I haven’t considered getting back into this since like 2015.

People who receive disability payments (Under $800 per month) get squat. Sorry, person born with a disability or who can’t find work because of it, you need to just “walk it off.”

Well you’re not out of work, now are you? What’s the rush? You’ll get your check when you get it.

You deserve more. 

edit: After 9 years, several promotions, “natural talent”, and whatever “express qualifications” are ..... that dude up a couple posts. That dudes getting fucked.   I wonder if “express qualifications” means clown college.

That is over $60,000 a year. I hardly called that fucked. I don’t know many taxi drivers making that.

Yes it will, that is literally how averages work. So i guess..... thanks captain obvious.

I wonder if paying people more will raise the national income average?

$30 before costs. That means insurance (car and health), gas, vehicle wear and maintenance, etc. It’s easy to blow through a whole tank of gas in a day driving for these companies.

Then you should be asking your employer why YOU don’t make more.

Yeah, sounds like you are getting fucked, friend.

That means you don’t make enough, either. It also matters on the region.

You probably don't have quite the same expenses.

Obviously you should unionize.

Free speech is between the government and you; not individuals and private organizations and you. This isn’t 1957 anymore when it was okay to bully and verbally abuse someone.

I am curious, how much a pro chages for boosting an account?

Its no different than any other sport.  You wanna play for the league, then you play buy their rules and pay any fines.  Its all in the contracts you sign to play. 

Because these aren’t just randos; they’re professional Overwatch players.  If they want to play in this league, I’m sure ponying up what Blizzard says is part of the deal.

I hate toxic people and cheaters but how can blizzard enforce a fine of 1000 bucks when they aren’t any government official, etc.