These “psychics” are all full of sht.
These “psychics” are all full of sht.
Kate McKinnon is gay and no one bats an eye. Leslie Jones becomes famous and everyone loses their shit!!
Wow, this girl doesn’t get a break! IDK why the interwebs have it in for her so bad...
Yeah that’s true. Sad.
She raped a dude?
Aaaah, Jackin’ the beanstalk, are we?
Attractive women don’t read Rand or Orwell, they read Huxley and Sartre, everybody knows that!! Duh!!
At this rate, Samara should just creep out of people’s iphones.
I agree. But the powers-that-be seem to think a female goalie speaking her mind is too “unlady-like” to be allowed to continue.
I know some BI people. They can’t commit. They’re not wired for commitment.
Isn’t Dorsey related to the Twitter gazzillionaire? Just asking
Mekhi Phifer has to be in it...just because
Hey, if it’s for ratings I’ll gladly slap Kylie as many times as it takes to get the moneyshot...
When asked Lochte owes him an apology for making shit up, he said:
Yeah, I don’t know who she is. I don’t care who she is. But Fox sucks because they hate Obama...
No Speedo 4U!!
Do you say it in Spanish?
Sure, you can’t say “Colored People” on air, but what about “People of Color”? What about “Hued People”? or “White Impaired”?
Wow...just wow!
And THR will quickly say it needs to make 800 million to break even...I guarantee it.