Chris: You said there’d be brewskies, brah
He looks like an Anime version of Dog The Bounty’s probably the mullet...
Can someone kindly explain to me what the hell was Ann Coulter doing in a roast for Rob Lowe?
Trump trying to string together a cohesive argument is a fascinating exercise in futility.
Porn is more about stamina and hardness than size. They don’t even care if the guy is average sized, as long as he can get hard on command and stay hard through the scene.
Boondocks...Ann Coulter having her n*** moment...yeah. I laughed so hard!!
Good to know
I am convinced that she either has some undiagnosed psychiatric/neurological disorder, or
South Korea!! I was totally gonna post this!! Hahahah
Adda boy Drake! That’s how you get out of the friendzone...matching tattoos... :|
I had a Scorpio girlfriend once. Scorpios are hard to get over.
Throw in these for good measure
I don’t find either of these women funny, or interesting.