
This is what I did. I had to completely skip 1 and moved on to two. It’s decent but even it got old pretty quickly. I moved on to 3 and it’s quite a bit better than 1 or 2. Leaps and bounds every time they come out with a new game.

As a PC gamer and mainly an MMO fan, welcome to the place where you are torn between playing a game you like with a payment system you hate or playing a game you like a bit less that has a payment system that you agree with. I feel for people playing destiny who would like for it to stay as a “pay once, play forever”

That’s a good point, I never said it was perfect lol. I just don’t think it’s as big of a deal as any of the others.

Love the Corsair K series. Couldn’t be happier with it.

Love the Corsair K series. Couldn’t be happier with it.

yay! More places to show off my computer’s awesome power! (joking)

I don’t think this one is as bad as they are making out to be.
•First of all the back of that couch is not 90º like that (look at the other end, or the other one across the shot).
• Secondly, they are leaning forward to see past each other so their “head line” would be expected to be at a different angle than the couch

I also love the Corsair K70. My vote goes for that. My only complaint about it is that it makes me want to type on it all the time because it’s so much fun to use. lol

I also love the Corsair K70. My vote goes for that. My only complaint about it is that it makes me want to type on

That’s probably based on the fact that one is run by Valve, a company who has had the gamer’s interest at heart most of the time (although they aren’t perfect, at this article clearly explains) and the other is owned by EA, a company who has repeatedly ruined many game franchised and continues to run others into the

Living in Washington State where it is legal, it’s almost funny to see people so obsessed with it. I can just go down to the corner shop and pick some up if I want.

Until more than one company owns the rights to make the “official” __insert sport here__ game, it will always be the way it is. People don’t seem to want to play as Jane Smith in sports games. They want the players they know and love.

I did an update OTA and got the same thing on my iPhone 6+

I completely agree with your statement that Secret of Mana is the greatest game ever made. I actually enjoyed a lot of the tweaks they added in the iOS version. I wish I could get a ROM of it with those changes. Have you played Seiken Densetsu 3 (the translated ROM)? It’s also pretty damn great. I loved Legend of Mana

Agreed. I just got it on PC too so it looks even better than when I played it on my PS3. It’s gorgeous.

Here I am just remembering the days where 300ping was pretty common playing Quake2 and we played on rail only servers... so you had to learn to lead people by huge amounts to get anything done. People blamed it on ping then too. I guess some things never change, huh?

In all honesty... I have been defending Rockstar since the launch of GTAV to my friends. Yes the online is a mess and yes the only reason they would make their servers “peer to peer” is to cut costs and make more money. But at least they made a game that’s got potential. (I’m talking about multiplayer here, the single

That was my thought as well lol

My girlfriend has never played and just started a month ago. I’m leveling with her without “telling her where to go to what to do”. I’m just letting her decide what she wants to do and going from there. She’s a person who has never played a PC game before this and has not really had a big enough interest in doing it

They mean all of the above. They don’t actually support modding at all on the PC and I think that will be the game’s ultimate downfall in the long run. It’s already lost a lot of wind from its sails because of it. People want to play with their friends on modded servers... but Rockstar isn't interested in supporting

“Flipping through the YouTube comments for the trailer, it’s plain to see that no one should ever flip through the YouTube comments for a game trailer.“

At that price, they aren’t even bad for someone just wanting 3.1 (which is what I did last night).

At that price, they aren’t even bad for someone just wanting 3.1 (which is what I did last night).