
We actually bought these speakers (Logitech Z506 5.1) just a few days ago when they apparently had just been set at that price. We hooked them up even as stereo and they sound nice. My only complaint about them is that the speaker for the sub is under the box and is COMPLETELY exposed. When I first picked it up I

We actually bought these speakers (Logitech Z506 5.1) just a few days ago when they apparently had just been set at

Here’s why VR won’t be a ‘fad’. People are misunderstanding the main advantages of VR. I agree that it’s not for FPS games, or games where you’re just “the camera”. It’s main advantages are shown when you have a game where the player “sits still”. This is not every game for sure and as such, VR will not be the best

I agree. I’ve been in the PS camp when it comes to controllers but this generation both companies have seemed to figure it out. Different approaches and both are very nice to use.

I’ve actually found that you CAN sit down and play it for an hour or more with only few “10 second breaks” here and there waiting for something to finish. Most of the time there is something you can micromanage if you really want to. It’s nice. Someone finally made a time management game that isn’t built on pure greed

Man, you think the armor at the beginning of the game was a boost? First lunchbox I opened (from a mission, I have yet to purchase one but that’s probably on the horizon) had a level 45 woman who had like monster stats. She was awesome to be running around at 45 when my other characters were all level 3. Hah

If it makes you feel any better... I bought a video card (2 actually) and it came with 2 keys for The Witcher 3 and out of curiosity I checked out the books and now my girlfriend and I want to finish all the books before playing The Witcher 1, then 2 and THEN move on to 3... so I’ve got a ways to go before I even

Actually it doesn’t need much at all. I just bought it this morning and already liked it, in it’s very early stage of development, more than minecraft. It’s already a much different beast and it doesn’t even have multiplayer yet.

I'm fairly certain it wasn't a 'Miss Stereotype' pageant. If it was, I think your comments would be more on point.

PAX Pox was... not awesome. It was from when PAX happened right at the height of the H1N1 spread. My friend got a bad case of it. The next year was the first year where EVERYONE had some hand sanitizer on them. haha

Even more relevant now than when it was made.

I love this thing. I simply set my 3DS in it when I'm not using it.

I love this thing. I simply set my 3DS in it when I'm not using it.

Just wait until the stakes are as big as in traditional sports and the people who are corrupted run the events and are in league with the devs that make the game. It's not "if" this will happen, it's "when". How much money will it take before a developer of a game takes a bit of cash on the side to help a team or

We've all heard that watching TV in the dark can be pretty tough on the eyes, but an ambient bias lighting setup can make the experience much more palatable. This basic USB-powered kit from Antec is only $16 today, and takes just a few seconds to install.

Hopefully it's not done by Aspyr. In the past EA havemade native versions , but no word on this one yet I suppose?

Future gamers:

I'm just curious why you say no to this? It seems like a fairly basic request to have people know/understand the encounters. What is wrong with that?

Props for the SoE reference, you dog.

Then why are you playing Mario Kart? Mario Kart is a great teacher of the old saying "S**t happens." You don't get to control everything and occasionally you will lose to something that isn't fun for you; But other times you will be the one moving from 4th to 1st in the last corner and it will be grand.

One of my favorites.

Or people could... you know, not focus so much on their score and pay more attention to if they had fun in the race. Just a thought.