
Tell that to the console people that cheer over their console exclusives.

I SO agree with you... Also, why can't I (as a consumer) dislike a product a company makes without it being some sort of personal attack on the people that made it.

This is what I was thinking as well. There was a reason people were waiting in line to take their picture on a replica of the boat too... it's because they had to do these things to get the t-shirt.

Living in Seattle, where we just passed a law not too long ago making it legal to do in real life (even though I don't)... this is very "meh". Which I find refreshing.

Apparently Edios never got the memo that there are already tweaks on Cydia that bypass any 'jailbreak detection' from apps. I used one when I jailbroke my iPad and iPhone for a while and couldn't use Amazon's Instant Video app. Worked like a charm.

I was thinking the same thing at first, but then remembered that they shouldn't have any victory moment, because they made a bad product. The servers being up and down are one thing, but the fact is... it SHOULDN'T NEED A SERVER. The game has many flaws, but the fact that it needs a server is the biggest. Software

Yes!~ RO reference ftw. They also had a class that was a "merchant". One skill you had actually cost Zeny (the game's currency) to cast and hits the monster with money. Awesome!

This looks so good, it's really just too bad it's only for PS3. I still follow news for it though even though I'll never actually play it. Hah

This is why no one company should be able to own the rights to developing a sports title with something as large as the forerunning sports/racing league. I think it's the same way with sports aired on TV as well. When one company simply buys the rights to air it, there's no reason for them to try and present the

@Orionsangel I totally agree. This just reminds me of http://bechdeltest.com/

Unfortunately for you two, some people actually do.

Man.. the Cookie Brigade is going to make so much more money this year!

Thing I don't get about the whole argument for games to move to "free to play" is that free to play games... are not free. People that play these games pay money... otherwise the companies wouldn't do it. There's still cash flow. It's almost a strange attitude of "I'll play for free and let those suckers pay for

Really? This is better than what's on the radio? This kinda stuff is what FILLS the radio waves.

Personally I don't know anyone who 'doesn't send emails anymore' except for people still in high school, but I have heard this complaint before. My whole thing is this... if your friends don't remember or don't care to invite you if you're not on their facebook account's friends list... how good of friends are they

I was shocked that they felt the current content was enough to keep anyone entertained for longer than a month (max). With only small portions of the dungeons being random, the game felt VERY static and there was no 'crawling' feeling when I went into most of the levels.

They are electric harps... presumably they have outputs on them the same way a guitar does. The recording wouldn't have picked up the "forest" because it was not recorded with a microphone, it was recorded with direct input from the harps.

I know a lot of people that don't own a single console, but I only know one or two that don't have a cellphone who are over the age of about 15. The idea that 150$ more for the phone isn't justified is silly. People own cellphones without the want to game on them, they do that in addition to the things they bought

Seattle most definitely does NOT add 'the' in front of interstates. The only people that call it "the 5" instead of i5 or 'the 405' instead of '405' are from cali.

Exactly. PAX is really the convention for the gamer. E3 is for the companies.