
One of E3's biggest problems is that it's no longer targeting the consumer and what they want. It's now about the companies, and what will make more money. E3 is a trade show that the public can't attend... I get it. It's made for people "in the business," but don't expect average people to get excited for the

I agree. It was a GREAT E3... if you love social media, gimicky addons, and casual bull$#!t in your games.

"Watch Dogs is a new take on a genre that's been getting stale by adding a near future early cyberpunkish setting from a publisher with an improving track record."

Actually... they'll much more likely 'notice you're a woman' WAY before they know you enough to respect you for anything. I'm just sayin'. Just like you will 'notice' that the person you are talking to is likely a man or a woman before you respect them for anything. To expect someone to respect you without them

I.. I don't get it, how could you think this is about that game when it's so clearly related to this game.

I think most people are just very, very wary of dealing with EA on any level at this point. I agree that (given that what they say is genuine and there isn't more to it than meets the eye) this is a great deal for indie developers.

5 years for console hardware upgrades? haha, maybe back when consoles weren't just low end PC's, but not anymore. Try more like 10+ I'm glad I don't have to deal with using 10 year old hardware.

Ya, heaven forbid that the developers get paid for their work. That would be terrible. Lets face it, "free to play" is in no way free. People pay money. And the worst part is that most of the f2p games are terribly hindered in some way to make you feel like you need to buy something so the gameplay isn't as

That looks entirely too safe.

Oh man... I'm right there with you. My girlfriend and I bought a copy each and after 4 days of not being able to play online or whatever it was with their servers... we found that playing together basically meant you could only compete with each other.. there was no co-op or anything. Occasionally I see it

After my girlfriend and I had just started dating years ago, I decided that I wanted her to try out some other kinds of games. She has always loved half life, and many of the Ubisoft games from years ago, but I was into MMO's and RPG's. We went to the store and I bought her FFX and World of Warcraft (I had been

I wish Fez was on PC. I'll buy it if they come out with a PC version.

At PAX Prime 2011, there was a company that gave away bodywash or shampoo or something in little packets in the grab-bags, but many of them ruptured and got all of the other contents gross. There were piles of grab-bags people were just passing up trying to find one that wasn't filled with soap.

No, I missed nothing of the sort considering everything in that video was prerendered, and the artwork is all concept artwork.

The only thing I took from that entire trailer?

Man... if you take this as an insult to your beliefs, you may want to take another look at your belief system again and decide why this is insulting to you.

"My statements do not reflect those [sic] of Capcom or myself."

What would happen if they bust through the same wall from opposite sides?

You could say they're...

Besides all the other worries that people have raised (Sim City Societies, gag)... I'm actually more worries about it going the same route as The Sims. I loved the sims, and the sims 3 is great. But I don't play it at all because playing the game with all the content would cost hundreds of dollars because of all the