
Here's the problem... the church is the one that feels offended by this. That makes it somewhat of a religious topic. Anyone that's not religious doesn't see this as any more offensive as say... putting a church across the street from the school.

Simple word... A-Double P-L-E...

In both games, the first portal in the game shows you from the side, walking through a portal. But to your point, it IS form a slight distance and I agree that at some point, everyone pops 2 portals in a corner somewhere so they can see "who they are".

FFXIV is not a prime example of a game being swept away by WoW, it was swept away by it's own ocean of bugs, exploits, issues, and general unplayability. I'm not disagreeing with your main point, but your example is not the choice I would have gone with. heh

This seems like another case of people feeling like Valve owes them something. Of course it was a publicity stunt, and a very good one at that. I enjoyed watching people find all the stuff even if I never got one "potato".

"Those are some really low-poly textures."

Neat Idea. I feel like the whisk or whatever was cheating though. All the rest were made with hands and a Gameboy. heh

Ya really. I could use the first page for an phone wallpaper, but I'm not going to have a big IGN logo on my phone. forget it!

I'd actually get it if it was a scoobie. My first thought was "SOLD!" until I saw it was the ford body. =/

Exactly my thought too... Where's the link to watch? I would assume it'll be posted on [www.thinkwithportals.com] when it goes live. That's the best I can find anyways.


Alright, I don't really care one way or the other, but something that DOES make me mad is the hypocrisy from the reporters on that video clip. This is a direct transcript of what they say about 12 seconds in...

most frame buffers aren't a WHOLE lot higher than 64 anyways... you can render 50000 fps, but if you're monitor can only display 60 at a time, you're throwing away a lot of those frames.

Interestingly enough, the movie industry tried this years ago and it was vetoed since (as other commenters mentioned) it "looked cheap" because home camcorders did higher FPS. It's an interesting concept that something that is more high tech, is perceived as "cheaper".

I was never one to be interested in arcades because paying each time I wanted to play a game was not something I like to do in any aspect of my life. I don't want to pay 1$ each time I launch a videogame I like. I want to pay 50$ and be done with it... play it whenever. Not feel like, if I die early on because I

"Some people claim that multiplatform games are a bad thing, but they are good thing." They CAN be a good thing, that doesn't mean they ARE a good thing, there's a big difference.

Am I the only one that thought this was a sequel to a Halo remake, made in MineCraft?

Now playing

I think he's actually got one of these hidden behind a curtain. Just wait, it will later turn out that he's an engineer who has a fascination with small automated robots.

Seriously... are we complaining that achievements are in all parts of a game or that they are too time consuming and/or monotonous?

This shouldn't be as entertaining as it is...