
Microsoft Cease and Desist order towards their team using the brand name without permission incoming.

The books were way less about "shooting dinosaurs" and more about the human element of the characters anyways. This seems like it should have been a no brainer, kinda funny that it took this long to get to.

Since I don't play consoles... Steam, Steam, or on a very rare occasion... Steam.

@Furiursa: I haven't used any of their stuff yet since my Naga Epic is still on pre-order (been pushed off over a month now .). But where are you seeing this information about the mac support for the logitech? I'd be interested in seeing how they work around it.

@Furiursa: I would have gotten that logitech... but they dropped support for Mac. SteelSeries and Razer support Mac, so that's where my money is going.

The armory was recently changed/moved, so that it very likely the culprit behind the non-working armory profiles. Even Blizzard's own RSS feeds for characters don't give the correct links yet.

Man... 8.99$ is a LOT. What's worse though? I just paid 8.99 for it. There was no hesitation. This is easily one of my favorite games of all time.

I bought this for my mother the day of release. She's currently home sick and I don't know if she went to bed last night! lol

@Kuipo: Of course, now that I read more... It seems you're right. They never fixed the tagging exploit in the dungeons apparently.. Awesome. .

@Jandau: Actually I don't think that works in WoW. I'm fairly certain you have to do at least 50% of the damage to the monster to be given experience for it.

@KillerBeeTX: (As I told me guild just yesterday) What are you talking about?! The point of WoW is to reach max level as fast as possible, complaining about how Blizzard hates your class and loves every other class the whole time.

@Faux Bravo: I was thinking the same thing.. Their racial is great for rogues, and on a more "RP" note, they are supposed to be agile, cunning, and a bit stealthy... I figured the worgen rogue would be ruling the poll.

@V3ctorPT: Well.. don't get trapped in the same line of thought that the music and movie industry do...

@Mulder: Just to play devils advocate for a moment. Think of it this way...

@Shippoyasha: Well yes but as they said, formula 1 cars are heavily regulated. They COULD get a lot more downforce on the cars if they could, for example, have underbody effects to increase downforce. Even lowering the cars ever so slightly may help as their ride height is basically restricted by the racing

"Peter Orullian, group product manager for Windows PC and Mobile, told Kotaku that the idea is to 'bring some of the rigor thought and success we've had on console to bare in the PC space.'"

@RockyRan: That could be it, I'm running a 2560x1600 resolution monitor. But I used to notice it on my 1600x1200 Monitor. Maybe I'll try it again on my new Monitor... Have to try things again once in a while.

@RockyRan: I've always found that anything above 4xAA makes it look like I just got out of a chlorine filled Pool. Personally I go for higher anisotropic filtering and forgo the AA for anything higher than 4x. Do you not notice the blur caused by high AA, or does that not bother you as much as the jaggies? Heh. (Not

@Sippin: Most rechargeable mice only need to be placed in their cradle every week or so even with moderate to heavy use.

@HeadsetChatter: I thought the same thing and (full disclosure) I've never owned one, but I did see a review from someone that had been using one for a month or so and there are three things that make it work...