
@Habs: That could likely get him in trouble with his cellmate... it's a catch 22— Damn, he's gunna be there too. *walks off*

I was SOOOO hoping that they would do this when I saw the older sonic's being released on the iPhone and then played Sonic 4 at PAX.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: So looking something up in game is having it handed to me and googling someone else's work is "a discovery process"? You're over simplifying my statement completely.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: I don't think the community should have to make up documentation so that you can figure out what/how to craft in a game. That seems to me like unfinished content.


Wow I'm actually surprized these "check in" apps and sites haven't died out yet. I saw the idea when they first came out and thought to myself... "why?"

Am I the only one that finds it a bit funny that the related articles on the right hand side show a (presumably downloadable) shirt on an XBOX avatar with the title: "Looks Like Super Meat Boy Items Are Coming To Xbox Live"?

I've never understood people's need to delete all their email. The reason your Gmail inbox keeps growing in size is because Google thinks there is no need to delete email anymore. I have emails in my inbox that are years old. If I need to look something up, it's a split second search away, and all the time I've

@MacAttack: I do when the updates roll around, but only until VMware comes out with their update. Both pieces of software have been very comparable to me. I have yet to see a big increase in one that doesn't get matched a month or so later by the other.

@lostarchitect: Ya I'm the same way, I'm either copy'ing files or moving files with my mouse... or through a terminal. I don't usually use keyboard commands for this.

@sansa: Really? What replaced it?

@Snufkin: I'm surprised that iTunes has a bigger install base than Winamp actually. But it's been a while since I've used Winamp.

@data_enabler: I use iTunes every day as my main media library/player. But I'm also on a mac. There aren't many alternatives that provide the library and player in one that have a mac look and feel since iTunes is so popular.

I got to play D3 and the starting zones to Cata almost a year ago at PAX 2009 in seattle. I would be VERY surprised if they didn't have at least the same demo's if not better ones by now.

@Raso719: I agree, this is almost as if a FPS was making fun of RPG's. At this point the "RPG" genre is big enough that it can split into different groups.

@Raso719: This is total win. I personally don't care which culture it's from, I care more about gameplay and fun. But this ad does just as your last bit there says... only mocks other games and does nothing to promote their own game.

@nerdzilla33: I believe they have a demo available to download and install as well. =0) I know demo's don't always show you the real game, but just in case you didn't know one existed for Tropico 3.

This sentence here, "...[Skype] could charge real money for a virtual currency, which you could use to purchase time for multiplayer gaming." makes me red with anger. Who thinks that sounds like a good idea? Not me. I certainly am not looking forward to buying fake money to spend on fake goods.

I use this app all the time and love it, but I agree with everything you said.. I expected the update for the iPad, no dice. Then for my iPhone4 I was expecting it even less. There are other issues they could and should fix too really... but come on.. at least update to the retina display.