
@shooga: It's hard to see in that picture but BETA is written into the 100.

@Brookespeed: I didn't say they were the only place to use em heh. I just said that's why during the World Cup football games, they are being talked about as a South African tradition.

@Brookespeed: If I understand it correctly, there's a tradition of using them at South African Football matches even before this years World Cup. I don't know about the origin story, but I do know that's why people associate them with South Africa.

@trev801: While I completely agree with both of you that this is "equaling the playing field" so to speak. Unfortunately the law doesn't state anywhere that an employer can pay one person more because they are being treated unfairly by another law.

@samirtv: Well my guess is that it's A. Optional to sign up for, and B. you would have to prove that you are filing your taxes as a Domestic Partner.

@tylerbrainerd: Actually even that could be true, could be false. It really depends on how the manufacturer implemented it.

Quote: "We'll never have to look at + or - signs again."

@MotorboatJones: I think you misunderstand, I'm all for a standard and HDMI is not it. I mean HDMI doesn't supply power either so I'm not defending it, in fact I'm against HDMI.

I'd like to know how they plan to support 100w for power when the Power of Ethernet standard only supports 25.5w. Some people have pushed it to ~50w, but that's still a big jump up to 100.

@Gun Metal Gray: Ya they snuck one in on me too. I only found out about a week before the first phase ended. . No email, no nothin'.

@zeroprime: Ya I doubt it's a Capped/Unlimited thing since I experienced the increase in speeds and have a grandfathered in Unlimited account.

I noticed this today when I was sending a picture over a chat program on my iPhone. I had been taking pictures of people in line for my friends with the 3GS all morning, then when I went to send one on the iPhone4 I was shocked at how fast it went, especially since it was a larger file size!

@Michai: Apparently the subtly of the fact that they are not being used and therefor look "bored" is lost on you two.

@stifflittlefinger: Exactly. I know people with cases the size of bricks for their iPhone and I've never had mine in a case. Mine looks just as good as theirs does because I am careful with my expensive devices.

@Landon Roberts: Ya... because the [insert any device name] impossible to scratch. *eye roll*

Can we call it LogReGoo TV for short? Pretty please?

@jedimaster: Not to mention the author talks about a level 70 Death Knight and everyone KNOWS that DK's didn't even come out until the level cap was raised to 80. I mean come on!