Kuiper Belle

This is really cool! I mean it has a lot of bells and whistles I wouldn't need but that it can monitor how much your cat is eating??? Cats can decline *very rapidly* once they stop eating due to illness so that would be a good thing to monitor. My cat almost died this way once. o_o

I can't wait for our home grown Murican geniuses to claim this is a hoax because an iron rock would be rusted.

Well, Joss Whedon threw up a picture of Katee Sackhoff...and she's been in talks for a Marvel movie...

I read this with two dogs curled up near my crotch and butt. Slowly pushing them away with my feet, now.

Based on the headline, I expected this to be an article about toys for sexually pleasuring dogs. I was horrified (and inexplicably clicked anyway).

While that has historically been the case in uniform design in the comics industry, recent Marvel comics have done a terrific job of building out strong female superheroes that don't have ANY of that going on. This new Thor just continues that tradition they've been going with for going on 10 (-ish) years now.

"Pure genious and the perfect antithesis for the 'if I had powers, I'd be the king of the world' type of daydreams that are so prevalent."

That's why I *do* want a Black Widow movie. They can fix this little misconception (I mean, they have Bucky's birth year listed on his plaque as 1916 in the SAME shot as the narrator reads 1917, and then Steve and Zola can't seem to figure out what year Steve's plane went down into the ice) and treat it like the first

Window of Opportunity is the best episode ever.

Almost all the Terry Pratchett book but ESPECIALLY the Tiffany Aching series. I was re-reading The Wee Free Men this past weekend, and even though I've read it like five times, I still turn to a blubbering mess when Tiffany explains that seeing an abused elder was what made her decide to become a witch.

Stargate: SG-1

Personally I'd rather see a Captain Marvel movie myself, with Katie Sackoff as Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel movie. Captain Marvel movie. CAPTAIN MARVEL MOVIE, DAMMIT.

"With the Black Widow movie, wouldn't that basically be like a female Jason Bourne movie?"

YES. I like Black Widow and all, but I want to see a female hero with some real power to rival Thor or the Hulk. Plus, the Widow isn't really a superhero in the traditional sense; she'll help out the Avengers when asked, but in her solo stories, she's almost always a spy.

Anybody who wants a Black Widow movie (I'm actually ambivalent because I don't think they've built her up as a character that can carry a movie in this universe), better see Lucy three or four times.