Meanwhile, I made 24 standard sized blackberry daiquiri cupcakes for less than $20. I may be poor, but I think I'm winning.
Meanwhile, I made 24 standard sized blackberry daiquiri cupcakes for less than $20. I may be poor, but I think I'm winning.
With all these cat terrorism stories, I wonder if these people would respond differently if it were a toddler instead if a cat. I can't imagine being so out of touch with and out of control of my cats that they could make me cower in my own bedroom; there is a social hierarchy at my house and I'm at the top, and they…
Whatever, a real sport hunter should prove her skills by allowing other people to hunt her for sport. If she's really that good, she'll be able to strategize and survive; if she's not, well, the Capitol must be fed. #katnisswouldeatherforbreakfast
I always thought spiders with eight legs were more or less the essence of primordial monkey fear, but I was wrong. Turns out, spiders with four legs are waaaaaay more horrifying.
Why add chocolate to peanut butter? Why add tequila to lime juice, or cheese to broccoli, or anything that tastes good to something else that tastes good? I, for one, cannot wait to eat this manifestation of man-as-god-in-the-divine-act-of-creation. Delicious and sacrilegious: two great tastes that taste great…
I would actually be a lot happier if more fun and addicting freemium games would adopt that model. No, I don't want to buy 5 more lives, just let me buy the game you bastards!
When I went to see Maleficent, 1 large and 1 med popcorn, 1 med Icee, and 1 large soda was about twice the cost of matinee tickets for two people. Like, ~$12 for tickets, ~$25 for concessions. But I didn't mind because tickets were cheap and the theatre has to make money somehow. AMC has some sort of rewards program…
Okay, as someone who is exactly the target of this campaign: it works. I never used to go see movies; before this past winter, the last movie I saw in a theatre was... Snakes on a Plane? And before that it was Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, and before that it was Man on the Moon. I am not enough of a movie…
OMG your last two points — yes, more girl groups! More pro-feminism, English language girl groups! (I love K/J-pop girl groups, but I can't sing along in Korean or Japanese...)
Excellent! Now we can finally figure out if there actually is a whole other hole.
I wrote a reply to this, but it kind of got out of hand, so there is a really long rebuttal/analysis here.
So you're saying that if I adopt an adorable baby moose, it won't grow up to be a star athlete at Wossamatta U? What's next, squirrels can't fly?
I especially like the double entendre of "Georgia O'Peach".
I had to google "otter pops", and having done so, it seems to me that Otter Pops are not 100% non-problematical themselves...
That was eye-opening. I always thought they were named after/related to kefir (the yogurt drink); I had no idea about the racist etymology. Fucking racists, making us all complicit in their racism. I'm gonna... go relabel the bag in my freezer now.
No, no, only menfolk can make laws because something something lady brains. Same reason they can't be doctors or get higher education! Everyone knows ladies only go to college to get their MRS. I mean, lady doctors? Lady judges? Ladies who try to do man things might be... lesbians. :O
If I frown a lot, can I get someone to serve me Cheerios in a fancy cut-crystal stemmed bowl?
"It's all on the woman. The moral dilemma is completely the woman's."
I'm gonna assume, for my own mental well-being, that the reason no-one (not even Wendy? ;_; ) visited the girls is because they assumed it was going to be more insanity in line with the boys conference, and wanted to stay well clear of it. Cos I, as a reader, assumed that Girls State was gonna be a lot of slut-shaming…
I love bean sprouts, but I'm honestly less concerned about the bacteria they come with than all the (perhaps literal) crap that is left behind by all the people who stick their hands in the box at the store to get the spouts out. There are tongs for a reason, people!