
Well, it’s better than the original plan, where The Force Awakens was going to be preceded by The Force Sleeps, The Force Hogs the Blankets, The Force Rolls Over a Couple Times, and, finally, The Force Hits the Snooze Button a Few Times But Then Remembers it’s a Work Day.

listen, if you can afford to buy video game consoles, you are “rich.” to a very large group of people, whether you like it or not.

I worked on this. You don’t actually want to know...

In research, results must be tested by peers for reproducibility.

I want that nsync sticker... I can feel my nostalgia bubbling up just looking at it.

It would be pretty damn awesome if the actual actors cosplayed as their 80/90's versions.

Would also make for amazing adverts for newer seasons.

No 10-year-old girl worth her salt in 1994 would wear khaki short-alls.

That was actually the point! We decided to do the costumes two weeks before Dragoncon 2013, expecting no one to know who we were, but they were comfortable. We did them again this year, because a few friends wanted to join. All of us do regular Game of Thrones costumes, too.

Or get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc… with almost all the same tools, plus a flashlight, soldering tools, pliers, telescoping magnet, and some other stuff for 1/3 the price. Doesn't have cotton swabs or game bits, but with the $80 you're saving I'm sure you can get those somewhere else.

It ain't about you. We're all consumers. We're all suckers. We're all marks. It's all a con. Like, all of it. I'm just pointing out the situation we find ourselves in. The best con artists are the ones who con their marks without the marks even knowing it and furthermore being so excited about it that they tell their

*Takes off my beautiful hat and claps*

*Clapping intensifies*

Hey, three second rule!

Madonna was pretty original and groundbreaking, among other things. Just because they chose pop as a genre doesn't mean they can't be creative or original.

Not as hilarious as the headline to this article though!

I was about to say the same thing! You all live in Atlanta, too?


Do I take small bites or one big one?