This is a good thing! I’ve always thought this iteration of the corolla was an attractive hatch, but lacked in the speed and fun department.
This is a good thing! I’ve always thought this iteration of the corolla was an attractive hatch, but lacked in the speed and fun department.
We generally do 72 month loans. Low monthly payments and keeping cash on hand matter more than paying the loan off fast. Fortunately we have good credit so interest is negligible (even on a used car). I’d say what’s more important is making sure you’re not borrowing beyond your means.
Am I the only one that thinks the Aventador has gotten worse looking as they refresh it? I can’t unsee the pencil mustache vents they added.
if all these rumors are true and it comes with 4 doors, I might be willing to part with my RS for this!
it still has a manual! But grumpy face is grumpy
Didn’t all the other reviewers say it was soft? I guess my question is, to the average person that doesn’t get to drive awesome cars all the time would this feel like a fun/amazing car or would it be “soft” as other reviewers have called it?
then they will look like kia.
Its all personal preference, but I find the redesign hideous. it was much, much better before and I don’t think I’m alone in that opinion.
I know! you can get them really cheap, I just like the refreshed face and those are still a bit more expensive
how about a CT-6? AWD. GORGEOUS (IMO), has the GM 3.6 liter which is really reliable... and back seat space for days. Plus a 2019 can be had near new for that budget.
I’ve always been of the camp that car shows are to look at cars, because of that I’ve also always found them kind of boring. It’s cool to see exotics, but it’s almost expected at a car show so it doesn’t carry the same “wow factor” as finding one on the road.
I know that the current ct5-v isn’t a true successor, but 355hp is still quite a lot! I think that cadillac could have avoided all of this by calling it the ct5-v sport, which would have been logical.
The camaro one is also terrible... but I feel like chevy at least acknowledged that it was terrible and made it a little better for the next year. The original 6th gen is still by far the best looking though.
but why not just make it look like the gt350? that still looks amazing. It’s like they knew it wasn’t going to look as good so they kept the gt350 and 500 looking like the pre-facelift version
This post probably won’t gain any traction since it’s so late to the game, but I scrolled down to find someone elses post on this car and CANT BELIEVE I DIDN’T SEE IT. The facelift on the s550 mustang made it go from beautiful and elegant to absolutely hideous.
You’re right. Everyone clearly drives 75.2 mph, because that’s what average means. What was I thinking.
Michigan man here. I can tell you that people assume 10 over is okay, so when the speed limit is 75, people are going 85-90. On the 75 mph highways I’ll have my cruise set at 79-80 and the amount of people that blow past me like I’m standing still is staggering.
2020 predictions: EVs will start to use their massive amounts of torque to roll the coal rollers.
um, is it better than anything else in that price point?... heck, is it better than a fiesta st, which TOPPED OUT at 26k?