Expert tip: use dotjs [[]].
Expert tip: use dotjs [[]].
In respect to hardware supplies on Amazon, I'd have to disagree - there are great soldering tools to be found there: []
Also, here are some of my favorite books/screencasts for every programming language:
Here's my list of books that I think every computer scientist should read (and probably in that order):
I'd say that the only decent Usenet providers are Astraweb and GigaNews, in that order. Just for you smiley lifehackers, here's a great deal from Astraweb: [] . Enjoy!
Cmd+Opt+Shift+Esc isn't working for me, but Ctrl+Eject is.
Some Mac-related information:
"no defunct" => "now defunct"
"AppCleaner costs $8" => "AppDelete costs $8"
This should be updated to reflect the recent release of the newest redsn0w and PwnageTool by the iPhone Dev Team, as well as the updated sn0wbreeze by iH8Sn0w, all of which use i0n1c's untethered exploit.
You also have a similar shortcut with objects, a type of variable we haven't discussed yet.
You can also save energy, which is good for both the planet and your battery, by using [] instead of Google.
@taione42: Learning both Ruby and Python at the same time will get you confused. Pick one and stick to it for a while. I learned Python first, moved onto Ruby, and never looked back.
@Amoliski: See, I'm a Rubyist. I believe that global methods should generally be avoided, since it's just easier, better and simpler to use classes to store them.
@AndiC: Em, Rails doesn't have anything to do with PHP, and it isn't bloated.
@gamesbook: Take a look at: [] for a comparaison.
@joshl: What about Homebrew?
@Christopher McKeon: Like ChaosCon and KyleUndefined, I wouldn't mind sharing some of my Ruby knowledge.
I think you missed something in your tutorials. It's called OOP.
If you feel the need for a language which allows you to experiment with crazy hackery, give Io a try.