
@intel352: A much better alternative to CakePHP or Zend is Ruby on Rails. :P But, I'd agree that Yii is one of the best PHP frameworks.

@SMoss20: Ruby will be useful if you want to market your future creations, because it's what Rails is based on, and SaaS (software as a service) is getting more popular these days.

@sheehan.conor: It's a nice alternative, but Rails is really the go-to framework for MVC web development right now. Python MVC web development is pretty split up, between Django and Pylons.

@SMoss20: I recommend learning Ruby first, as it is one of the most object-oriented languages out there, and will teach you key programming concepts.

@joshl: Since it's for *nix systems, it would also work on a Mac.

For conventional ripping (!= transcoding) on Mac OS, I use either RipIt or MacTheRipper.

@Wrocky: I believe DVDFab supports Blu-Ray too.

@Dan Heinz: Their website doesn't even use the h.

@curtis07: Yeah, I usually use it.

Note: This currently works only on the original iPhone, the iPhone 3G and the 1st-gen iPod touch.

Pure (distilled) water's chemical composition is H2O, not H20.

It's Gandi, not Ghandi.

Next up: an "unfriend" option when you click the X next to a friend's post.

If you're on Mac OS, though, PwnageTool *.

@TheFu: Linux Mint and Ubuntu FTW!

@F_Li: That's what the little X button next to people's posts is for.