Kuanhung Chen

Knowing the writing team, Arale will probably make a return.

“Permission denied”

Great, you guys are now implicated, they can call Kotaku in as witness.

I disagree, past couple of years we have video and audio evidence of certain things, but 40% of the US population still firmly those didn’t happen. Even when being presented with video evidence, they are still very firmly believing disinformation.

Let them boycott. Blizzard already blinked before and suffered the consequences.  I hate to see Blizzard bowing down to CCP again, especially when it’s not even the Chinese government that’s making the demand, so why self-censor?  Just let them lose the matches, Blizzard have been re-broadcasting old matches on stream

It’s the age of ultra-nationalism. Just by someone saying the word “Taiwan” and “Hong Kong”, no matter the context, the nationalists felt the need to fight. Because if they don’t, they will be attacked by other nationalists for not defending whatever it is they believe.

Ostrich algorithm indeed won’t solve the problem of disinformation, but in recent years we have learned doing something can actually make the problem worse.

The concept persists because the words to describe them was introduced and spread around. That’s the difference between misinformation and disinformation.

My concern is not with the credibility of streamers or even whether or not they are spreading misinformation, my concern is these streamers uses discredited phrases, words, and concepts in everyday language they help to echo the ideas they don’t necessarily believe.

I wouldn’t call it counter-example, I would say you are making my point. Rather than people acknowledging the cultural and racial background of these worlds, they became norm.

This article did a good job pointing those out. Their point is that the danger comes from some extremists with small audience rather than big named people with larger audience. This article explained it pretty nicely so I won’t reiterate.

At this point far more people watches YouTube and Twitch than all other forms of media combined.  Twitch is the most mainstream of all media. 

Just simply google any “Top 10 Words/Phrases That Don’t Mean What You Think”, you should see some common ones.

I was reading up on their recruitment technique, first step is language. The power of normalizing languages, especially new terminologies, let people to be slowly indoctrinated into an ideology that they had no direct contact of.

Any 24 hours cycle media will have issues of misinformation or disinformation. Then, you take that, add a couple of million people who are doing the exact same thing, you now have millions of 24 hours channels that felt the need to comment on anything in order to fill the time.

It will be a refreshing change to capture the mons in a different ways from my 180 hours of Monster Hunter.

If this is a Japanese site, then sure, update should be out around noon to 2PM of today.  

160 hours for me, I have built a suit of armor of each element, getting ready for those G Rank battles.

Well, launches tomorrow (28th)

Not ever since I realized how expensive those controllers are.