
That’s fucking Garfield. They put fucking Garfield in the game.

BMW drivers don’t even fill up their blinker fluid and yet now BMW expects them to fill up another tank? C’mon...

I’m assuming the BMW guy was one beeping in the beginning at the dashcam car because the light was probably green, but the dashcam car was being nice and letting the schoolbus turn ahead of him.

Now if only they could make it look good...

“lighter and denser”

It’s a clue which leads to another clue which leads to another clue.....!

If you can’t have fun in a McLaren, the problem ain’t the transmission.

I enjoyed reading this, but disagree with your thesis.

you can’t patent a concept - the “smartphone”. You have to actually patent an invention. The invention illustrated above is very different than the iphone.

did you read the article?

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

And just to prove their superiority they’re going to achieve all this with the entire motor, control and battery pack mounted behind the back axle....

That hubcap is from a Kia Forte

You shouldn’t have said that:

Man, I talk specifically about bumper covers in there. They are the real problem, and that's what I said. In the article. Up above. And I'm STAYING ON YOUR LAWN. And, one of the pictures in the "Don't Work" image IS a Wrangler. Jeez.