
Stein doesn’t pander to an Isreali apartheid state, will recongize that Palestienians are people with rights (a simple statement HRC wouldn’t cop to), does not support war, a no fly zone, or interfering in the ability of other nations to self govern (see e.g. HRC surpressing a minimum wage raise in Haiti, or helping

Sorry that I won’t want to support a person who approves of the slaughter of innocents. Or one who supports propping up institutions instead of people who need our help.

So you are okay with overly-bombastic, misleading shaming rhetoric?

She used the “putting Trump in the White House” shaming of third party voters. That is disgusting. Samantha is smarter than that and knows better. The Democratic Party does not stand for my ideals. I will not support them for President. I will vote down-ticket for them, but I will either abstain from the President

Agreed. I find her mildly annoying, but credit where credit is due. She’s been extremely vocal about the DAPL protests and indigenous rights, something few celebrities and sadly fewer politicians seem to give a shit about. That's worth overlooking her weird health ideas and perceived snubbing of tv, as far as I'm

I don’t think she’s knocking TV as a medium—she’s appearing in an HBO limited series this fall (“Big Little Lies”). She’s saying that she contracted to do this particular project for film and isn’t necessarily up for it now changing to TV (which requires a different type of shooting schedule, etc.).

Ya know what? I’m not going to blame her for dodging this particular bullet. This seems like a franchise with dwindling interest and the TV show seems like a weird effort to keep the ship afloat. And she's already done like three of this things! The idea of doing an entire TV show after that many films has gotta seem

As an average voter I care about this. Chelsea Manning supporters care about this. That navy guy who is serving a one year prison sentence for an innocent selfie cares about this.

I care because she refuses to stop obfuscating and just speak plainly about it. As an example, she disingenuously keeps talking about her ‘personal email account’ when what we are talking about is an entire server she directed to be set up despite numerous warnings not to. A good chunk of voters will not be able to

Like I said, this was the first event with both general election candidates, so they had to ask about the emails. Because it’s a huge deal. And yes, I guess in my mind that does disqualify her. Also, the DNC rigging the primary should have disqualified the results. In addition, I think using the Clinton foundation as

I watched it. There were two questions on her emails. It really is a relevant topic. Because what she did was absolutely ridiculous. And she keeps defending it, even if she said it was a mistake.

So, basically, they are attempting to blackmail the family into silence with the threat of releasing her name. I mean, that’s what it sounds like to me. Correct me if that’s wrong.

This chart would look way different for people younger than 35. I make a good amount of money, but a huge chunk of it goes towards student loans. This is even though I'm on an income-based repayment plan, and most of my friends who also went to graduate school or law school are in the same boat. We live the lifestyles