
The flavor of Jezebel lately has been “circle the wagons” and “we ran a perfect campaign”. As goes our comments’ section, so goes the nation, I always say.

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

The leak was objectively not indiscriminate. She passed the material onto Wikileaks, who then coordinated with media outlets to decide what to publish and what to withhold.

Thirty-five fucking years. She really doesn’t deserve that :(

And yet, based on racial demographics, Trump improved upon Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign margins in every category of race. He also improved upon Mitt Romney in the realm of people making less than $50k, in particular those under $30k a year where he improved 16 points compared to Romney; Hillary won those

Not making Ellison the head of the DNC wouldn’t be “prioritizing white people”. Rejecting Ellison because he’s black is, however, racist.

I’m in a very safe state (California) and I will be voting for Sanders. I understand the argument that a forceful showing in the popular vote for Clinton will, hopefully, so chastise the Republicans for their three-decade march to their current candidate that they will gaze upon their navels and pull out some lint

I hate Trump, and will be voting for Hillary, but I’m not sure why she gets a free pass on this site. She’s the lesser of two evils, but isn’t what I’d consider an appealing candidate. She could have nipped this all in the bud if she wanted to, and released those emails, but didn’t. Instead she acted like any

Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.

Specific persona is not my point...maintaining honesty and integrity as a journalist when your candidate of choice has to run their own race is my point.

How have I been coy? Including industry insiders and those who profit (or have profited) from the companies they are supposed to be regulating on regulatory boards and as employees of regulatory agencies erodes public trust in the impartiality of those agencies and their ability to protect the public. It’s true of

You have been my favorite Jezebel writer pretty much since you arrived, but I have to say that I’m disappointed in the disingenuous character assassination you’re waging against Jill Stein. Continuing to perpetuate the falsehood that she’s anti-vax when she has clarified multiple times that she is 100% not and was

Of COURSE the military is going to predict the most chaotic and dystopian outlook possible. That way they can use fear as a tactic to maintain funding.

It’s not about punishing Manning, it’s about making an example out of her in order to discourage further leaks.

The soap trickles down from the rest of my body. Like trickle-down economics. Except this actually works.

The governor is concerned with civil rights? I didn’t know he knew what they were what with him and his party blatantly violating them every chance they get.

And drivers always follow the rules of the road? They never run lights or fail to use their turn signals. And of course they never ever speed. To show how polite drivers are, they door cyclists, call kids on bikes “assholes”, and drive in the bike lane.

As a cyclist who generally follows the rules I see this shit goes both ways. Plenty of asshole cars on the road the implications are just vastly different. Everyone needs to just practice a bit more patience. I was crossing on foot at a cross walk with a stroller holding my nephew and was almost run over by an

Meh, there are entitled assholes amongst everyone on the road...motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, etc...