
The book was better… ::shoves popcorn in mouth::

Buuut having her whole family die in a horrific train wreck is a pretty brutal way to say 'hang on to your imagination kiddos! Or Jesus will kill your entire family'. Imagine what she would have had to live with?
Rereading the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is pretty eerie with that image in mind.

My Dinner with Kanye

I mean, I love him, but the kid's a meatball

Did Furley ever find out?

This is the way the world ends,
this is the way the world ends,
this is the way the world ends,
not with a bang
but with a Tripper.

Those of us in the shackles of the marketing cubes await that promised day with great longing and much anticipation! How long, oh lord!

It's true that in the book the paranormal forces are definitely, unambiguously real, but also Jack is a frustrated, angry person, who's dying for a drink from the opening pages. It seems like the entities in the hotel feed on the darkness in Jack that's already there, which is why they can use him as a vessel and not

I feel that, bwb! To witness the terrifying scene-chewery of Jack Nicholson all I had to do was walk in on my old man on a bender. A theatrical rage monster who was a nice enough guy when he could get a hold of himself, a mother who was just trying to keep it together, a superstitious family, and kids with a wicked

THIS. I have been trying to describe the way the Shining makes me feel since I actually read it last year and you have given me the words! As the child of a father like that the most disturbing parts to me were what it was like for Danny and Wendy. Not that King ignores that, not that I don't want Jack to pull