
Also? Its a Woman with a gun. It’s a woman holding Power, the only real power America respects. Its a Black Woman owning Violence with Confidence and Authority (See how large and in the forefront she is? She fucking Owns that spot.) and it is supposed to scare the shit out of fragile little white men. Im guessing mi

Your first couple of sentences are basically what I said at the beginning. In my opinion, though, it’s unlikely to be a liberal person - but you’ll notice that I recognized that as a possibility in my first post. So really, truly, I’m not sure why you decided to try debating with me.

That’s where we disagree. If we see a pattern in the victims of these crimes, it’s perfectly okay to make inferences. Obviously if new information comes out that contradicts those inferences, we’d have to let it go.

News needs to just call it what it is and stop pussy-footing around the issue. Donald Trump is promoting domestic terrorism.

I’m not meaning this to be sarcastic at all FYI but my answer is: the progressive equivalents are virtually all of academia, college, and books. Anyone can make a youtube channel and get followers by stating outlandish opinions in an outlandish way. Anyone can NOT become an expert in their field over decades and write

This comment section will invariably be interesting. This is another good report on the anti-progressive strain of thought that is very prevalent in many gaming corners.

While I can sympathize with those who feel like there are people on the left who can’t really see the forest for the trees and harp on slights that

This will be lost in the fray, I’m sure but here goes:

A few years back, under their old ownership, LA Weekly gave me my start in journalism and assigned me compelling, challenging feature stories when, realistically, I had no right to even be emailing their editors. It’s really sad to see what has become of it; like