
Wrongfully snatching a naked person from their bed is kidnapping and assault. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a criminal abuse of force and a perversion.

“First and foremost, the internet has created a space where it’s made people think that their opinion matters at all. It doesn’t. I am 53 years old and I’ve dedicated my life to my art and my craft. Question me at your own peril.”

guess i’ll repeat what i always do;

Lovecraft has been dead for 80 years, the problem with endlessly milking the Potter franchise is that it gives money to a hatemonger who openly and actively funnels it into harming a minority group.

Also a lot of modern Lovecraft inspired work does engage with his awful racism and xenophobia - Lovecraft Country being one of many recent ones that included a TV show on HBO.

The difference is that Lovecraft is dead and his works are out of copyright. No one’s enriching him by engaging with his stories.

You know what else hasn’t gone up since the mid 2000s? Wages. Stop counter-crying because people are upset that they can’t afford anything anymore, yet companies still demand more.

Forced by who?

Don’t you get tired of having shit takes all the goddamn time.

Every US state except Montana has at-will employment. Sometimes I read these comment sections and think, do people just not realize how few rights they have? Like 90% of people seem to think they have the right to only be fired for cause, they don’t have to worry about the terms of those liability waivers because “you

This is what is funny to me. We have actual nazis, supremacists, and people who advocate for the attack of anyone not white/cis, that pretty much go unscathed because they are just shitty and so is their movement or party, yet a liberal comes out and says, hey, we ought not let these fucking creeps keep faking their

He has a point.

Even in those liberal democracies that criminalize hate speech, the penalty isn’t death, and it’s certainly not summary execution.

It been well documented that he stands to make literal boatloads of cash, somewhere in the ballpark of $390,000,000 US Dollars.

Hi, just a friendly reminder that Bobby Kotick is a piece of shit and the world would be better off if literally the entire fleet of Greyhound busses ran over him (and the rest of Activision-Blizzard executive leadership, for that matter).

This is the school version of a klan meeting, out in public light, doxx and name all of them.

I think that perhaps Oprah Winfrey isn’t a great person. I mean, we have her to thank for both Dr. Phil AND Dr. Oz....

Nope. Fucking pass.

So glad I didn’t have to be the one to say it this time!

So, there’s a solution, but nobody wants that solution. The solution is, drive less. Start requiring neighborhoods to be built walkable, and on public transit routes. Start requiring new road projects to prioritize public transit. Override the NIMBYs who refuse to allow infill development in their neighborhoods