It goes without saying that most of us are overly attached to our cell phones. And, while many of us recognize that w…
It goes without saying that most of us are overly attached to our cell phones. And, while many of us recognize that w…
Ever bought a multi-mode vibrator and wondered how the manufacturer settled on those particular patterns? (No? I…
The thought was delivered just after my newborn’s placenta: A sneaking suspicion that things were not quite the…
Ever been in a relationship where it seemed like you were on completely different pages about sex? Maybe they're…
We’re kicking off our new Lifehacker After Hours Sex Toy Review series with the Minna Life Limon, my hands-down…
I learned to roll a joint from a nine-and-a-half-fingered Belgian count.
Whether we want to admit or not, exercise and sex are inextricably linked. We exercise to look better and feel…
People type their deepest, darkest secrets and fears into Google, all in search for answers. Sex, while a taboo…
There's something romantic about the holidays—the nice smells, the crackling fire, the snuggling under blankets. So…
Here is a truth most universal: Nothing makes sex more appealing than a situation where it's totally inconvenient,…
If you're going to snoop on someone's personal, digital property, you want to make sure you don't leave behind any…
Sometimes you need to get into a computer without knowing the password. Perhaps you've forgotten yours, or perhaps…
Just a few weeks ago, we highlighted an Oh Joy Sex Toy comic that explained when it's okay to share someone else's…
Sex is shrouded in mystery more often than is probably healthy. While information accessibility is at all time…
You can learn a lot from the samurai way, including how to poop more effectively. As writer Will Black discovered,…
Ever wondered what freaky (or non-freaky) stuff your partner is into, but are too afraid to ask? Or maybe you're…
Things getting a little stale in the bedroom? Or maybe you just want to try out a few new things. It may not be the…
If you have a Raspberry Pi and one of those surge protectors that also protects your network cables from voltage…
Roughly one year ago, a tool called Firesheep introduced a lot of us to just how easily another person on the same…