
Watched it live. Looks better in the shadows. The front looks like it’s missing something (a grille, more lights, IDK).

Honestly. Not that great. I’m glad I didn’t insta-share this like I do with almost every other Archer promo. Would have made me look like a tasteless idiot.

yeah... AND he’s slated for Justice League? Just look at the diversity of the MCU directors and you’ll see where the success and fails lies.

Iron Man 1, Avengers, and Winter Soldier would like to have a word with you.

What is wrong with Japanese video game companies lately? Konami and now Nintendo? is this their way of coping with their recent financial woes? by lashing out with a child tantrum? They really need to invest in PR/damage control, not censorship

Is this timed? Seems like he’d be able to go through that track without damaging the Durango if he did a crawl.

Wow. It’s astounding that he walked away from that unscathed. Really speaks volumes about how these F1 cars are designed for safety.

This 1000%. Nobody thought the DC9 was bad looking. it was unanimous. The DB11 is definitely split.

DB9 looks so much better and so natural.


While we’re on the subject of innovation appreciation.. why wasn’t this written a decade ago? The Veyron only beat the F1's 241mph record by 13mph... and had to do it with one less seat and 4 more turbochargers

Not clean enough. A DB9 this is not.

This is one of my favourite movies and I really believe we are heading towards the same future.... look at the lack of innovation in the last 20 years.

The passengers probably would have changed their tune once they learned he had cancer.

another year, another evolutionary improvement.

not enough blue

what makes you say that? I know the carbon tub is glued together, but the craftmanship is there.

Wait while I roll my eyes at what is possibly the biggest white girl first world problem ever.

This is the best thing I’ve read in Kinja for a while. I think we’ve found our resident senior citizen.

Excuse me? Name one way streetcars are better than buses in Toronto. Yes, buses break down. But I would rather have that rare occurrence than the constant traffic-halting convoluted 2 track system we have, where people get run over just getting on and off.