
.....so? Since when has that stopped anyone from making puns? First time on Gawker?

I like that your comment has more stars than the original comment lol

This sleazeball makes Canadians look bad.

very curious to see how this will age.

this is not attractive.

What’s up with all these tall white guys pummeling the Help? Jeremy Clarkson, this guy... who’s next? Stephen Merchant?

Those hips definitely are not normal.... those are A+ Beyonce-level bonin handles. I’d bury my face in her ass.

Two things:

with the same jeep.... LOL

So many photoshops in this one... quite fitting.

Well if you think about it, didn’t Ash78 win all the time in the last generation of COTD 2 years ago? He was winning like once every other week, lol

Obviously it’s this in the process over a few decades

Because American engineers are complacent and lazy. Fire them and replace them with hungry young blood and see what innovation can do.

you *only* got around to reading that post a few weeks ago? What kind of Jalop are you?

my sentiments exactly.

So wait, are Subarus still reliable or what?

McLaren F1 x 99 (all variants)

480 square miles sounds really small.

@DougDeMuro is the author of Plays With Cars, which his mother says is “fairly decent.” He worked as a manager for Porsche Cars North America before quitting to become a writer.

expected better from Henrik