
again, two key paragraphs from the Motherboard article:

The study is a little flawed in terms of practicality of strength vs hypertophy. I train specifically in powerlifting and building strength and specializing in lifting a heavy weight once (usually determining/displaying brute strength), “low reps” is considered 1-5. When I (and most others who train for strength)

I wouldn’t call 8 reps “low”.

I’ve done a year of homeschool with my daughter. She completed two grades. She went from barely reading to a very advanced level (turned 7 last month and she’s read five Harry Potter books). She writes at an advanced level. She knows her times tables and has full understand of math concepts a year ahead of where she’d

I think having this set up as a “Vs.” article does a bit of injustice to running and training for races in general. One of the best parts of running is that there are always races to do, if you’re so inclined, and that those races can stack on top of each other to get you towards your goals. You said it at the end (I

It probably says something about me that I can’t stomach the concept of boiling a lobster alive but I readily eat basically every meat product in arms reach.

Is it just me or is this not grilling? Sure you’re using a grill to heat the pan, but you’re still just pan frying it. You’re not going to get any of those pretty marks that make people say “oooooo.... grilled food” like Alton Brown says you’re supposed to have.

Holy crap. That cast iron skillet is ridiculously smooth... That’s not natural, is it?

Pretty cool! But I have to tell him, he’s gonna want some kind of pillow on the seat of that chair as well because after about 40 minutes, it’s like sitting on a rock. *this from experience*

I don’t own a Metropolitan so I can’t comment on it. I do have the Dark Lilac Safari in EF though. Compared to some of my other pens I’d give it a ‘meh’ rating. I like the look and feel, but have been running into flow issues with the nib. I will say as I use then pen more and ‘break in the nib’ I have been having

Yep. That's a must have for me. I use large buckets for mixing dough and being able to actually see the display makes a big difference. :-)

Haven’t heard that before. I’ll look into it - thanks!

You should do some more research...I don’t think it is a good idea to roll major tendons like the Iliotibial... especially with your full body weight

“Always keep plants on tables or shelves where pets can’t reach them.”

Modern evidence is not with you on this, and has not been for some time. As a physical therapist, I am surprised to even see such an article anymore. Stretching for your particular sport and the flexibility it demands, yes, but otherwise, stretching does nothing to prevent injury, and can even be detrimental.