The American HoC suffers from not being quite goofy enough, which is why the British version is such an enjoyable Machiavellian romp.
The American HoC suffers from not being quite goofy enough, which is why the British version is such an enjoyable Machiavellian romp.
I assume Brody was nominated because they know who Brody is.
Thank you! I was panicked and I started googling when Barker had died. I was so sad!
Your math does not check out.
A Few Good Men is always my go-to "connect someone with Bacon" starting point.
I thought it was so engaging and completely different from how most shows would handle it (if any other shows would handle it at all). But I read Sharon's reaction at meeting the Down's syndrome girl slightly different—I thought she was TERRIFIED at meeting the girl with Down's, like it was some kind of foreboding…
The pig book, in particular, was strange.
But more like the Brady Bunch…
Ah, but I always end up getting the cookie!
The Congressional Management Foundation has done various studies showing that tangible engagement (letters rather than emails, because Congress=old people) can actually sway legislators a great deal. And, of course, state legislators are easier to sway than Congressmen.
Unless informed voters spend their time lobbying and writing and talking to their legislators about issues that they care about.
An overzealous law plus an overzealous prosecutor can be dangerous, even if we like to believe that prosecutorial discretion means that resources won't be wasted. The Aaron Schwartz case, while not directly relevant to this discussion, is a good example of how a badly-written law can be badly-applied.
I'll defend anyone's rights to be an internet asshole (hey, Mohd!), but exposing someone to real-life harassment through doxxing is a different kettle of fish.
*Throws Lord of the Rings: Trivial Pursuit Special Edition on the ground.*
Isn't this why government bodies have advisory committees? I know, I know: why should politicians take their jobs seriously?—but in 1900, electricity was hard to legislate, too. And yet we made some laws and figured it out.
I guess you should feel lucky that it wasn't an 8-track tape.
Yes, but take in to account that in many small towns in the south, this is the only restaurant that has lettuce and tomatoes in any significant serving amount.
Doxxing should be treated differently from trolling.
He'll have to hoard all his Reddit gold.
Are Pooks cousins of the Tooks?